Which is correct:
"birds are singing" or "birds are tweeting"?

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birds are singing

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe the sounds made by birds.

This phrase is used to describe the general sounds made by birds, often in a melodious or musical way.


  • I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my window.
  • In the park, you can hear the birds singing in the trees.
  • The forest was alive with the sound of birds singing.
  • She loves to listen to the birds singing in the morning.
  • The birds singing in harmony created a peaceful atmosphere.


  • birds are chirping
  • birds are warbling
  • birds are trilling
  • birds are whistling
  • birds are making music

birds are tweeting

This phrase is correct and refers specifically to the sounds made by birds like sparrows or finches.

This phrase is used to describe the specific sounds made by birds like sparrows or finches, which have a distinct tweeting sound.


  • As I walked through the garden, I could hear the birds tweeting in the bushes.
  • The backyard was filled with the sound of birds tweeting from the trees.
  • The small birds were tweeting happily in the early morning.
  • She enjoys listening to the birds tweeting outside her window.
  • The birds tweeting in the distance added a cheerful note to the day.


  • birds are chirping
  • birds are singing
  • birds are warbling
  • birds are trilling
  • birds are whistling
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Birds are singing' is a more general and traditional way to describe the sounds birds make, while 'birds are tweeting' specifically refers to the sounds made by birds like sparrows or finches. The choice between the two depends on the specific type of bird sound you want to convey.

Last updated: March 26, 2024

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