Which one is correct?
"wider scope" or "bidirectional model"?

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wider scope

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate an expanded range, extent, or coverage of something. It is often used to describe a broader perspective or a more comprehensive approach.

This phrase is used to convey the idea of something having a larger or more comprehensive coverage or perspective.


  • The new policy has a wider scope than the previous one.
  • Expanding the project to include more stakeholders will provide a wider scope of impact.

bidirectional model

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of machine learning and natural language processing to describe models that process input data in both forward and backward directions.

This phrase is used to refer to a specific type of model that can analyze input data in two directions, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the data.


  • The bidirectional model improved the accuracy of the language translation system.
  • The bidirectional model in the neural network helped capture contextual information effectively.
These two phrases are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings. 'Bidirectional model' refers to a type of model that processes input data in both directions, while 'wider scope' indicates an expanded range or extent of something. They are used in different contexts and cannot be interchanged.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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