Which is correct:
"beside water" or "beside the water"?

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beside water

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate being next to any body of water in a general sense.

This phrase is used when referring to being next to any body of water without specifying a particular one.


  • I love to sit beside water and read a book.
  • The house is located beside water, offering a beautiful view.
  • The park has benches where you can sit beside water and relax.
  • The restaurant has outdoor seating beside water, creating a lovely ambiance.
  • The campsite is set up beside water, perfect for fishing.


  • beside the water
  • next to the water
  • by the water
  • alongside the water
  • adjacent to the water

beside the water

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to being next to a specific body of water that has been previously mentioned or is known to both the speaker and the listener.

This phrase is used when referring to being next to a particular body of water that has been specified or is familiar to the context.


  • We had a picnic beside the water, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
  • The children played games beside the water all afternoon.
  • The village is nestled beside the water, providing a picturesque setting.
  • The resort offers rooms with balconies overlooking the pool beside the water.
  • The hiking trail leads to a beautiful spot beside the water.


  • beside water
  • next to the water
  • by the water
  • alongside the water
  • adjacent to the water
Both 'beside water' and 'beside the water' can be correct depending on the context. 'Beside water' is more general and can refer to being next to any body of water, while 'beside the water' is more specific and refers to being next to a particular body of water that has been previously mentioned or is known to both the speaker and the listener.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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