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below 600nm vs under 600nm

Both "below 600nm" and "under 600nm" are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They can be used interchangeably to indicate something that is less than 600 nanometers in size or wavelength.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 958 views

below 600nm

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate something that is less than 600 nanometers in size or wavelength.

This phrase is used to describe measurements, sizes, or wavelengths that are smaller than 600 nanometers.


  • The wavelength of the light is below 600nm.
  • Particles below 600nm in size are difficult to detect.
  • The Commission considers both situations below.
  • Supplementary iron therapy is recommended for all patients with serum ferritin values below 100 microgram/ l or with transferrin saturation below 20%.
  • These are set out below in a specific paragraph on the subject below.
  • What's below... remains below.
  • That runs right below the glades.
  • Incubation period dropping below nine months.
  • Your liver functionality is already well below normal.
  • Metal cannot liquefy at any temperature below 3,000 degrees.
  • Staffing issues are below your pay grade.
  • When you get below the surface...
  • Please answer using the table below.
  • Please specify using the table below.
  • Please answer by using the table below.
  • Please specify below the types of measures.
  • Soliris should only be administered via intravenous infusion as described below.
  • Vials in use should be stored below 30ºC.
  • Bilirubin elevation was below 3%.
  • IT and intravenous pharmacokinetics data are summarised below.
  • Very common side effects are given below.
  • Common side effects are given below.


  • less than 600nm
  • smaller than 600nm
  • under 600nm
  • less than 600 nanometers

under 600nm

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate something that is less than 600 nanometers in size or wavelength.

This phrase is used to describe measurements, sizes, or wavelengths that are smaller than 600 nanometers.


  • The particles are under 600nm in size.
  • The material absorbs light under 600nm.
  • Trusts created under Cypriot jurisdiction are considered transparent entities under national law.
  • Under current circumstances public expenditure is everywhere under pressure.
  • Claims payable under standardised guarantees are recorded under this item.
  • Claims payable under standardised guarantees are recorded under this item.
  • Arable areas under schemes in which non-food production is allowed and actually grown under contracts are recorded elsewhere under D/1 to D/20 or D/23 to D/35.
  • Arable areas under schemes in which non-food production is allowed and actually grown under contracts are recorded elsewhere under D/01 to D/20.
  • Indeed countries enjoying preferences under GSP may be better off under this regime than under reciprocal EPAs agreements.
  • All supplies and materials purchased under contracts financed under this Regulation must originate from the Community or a country eligible under this Article.
  • Under federal law, supplements fall exclusively under the FDA's jurisdiction.
  • Where national competent authorities take action under this Regulation, accountability arrangements provided for under national law should continue to apply.
  • Member States should endeavour to enhance their financial contributions under the co-financing of grants awarded under the Programme.
  • Gases dissolved under pressure which cannot be classified under UN Nos 1001, 2073 or 3318.
  • Legislation relating to invalidity insurance under the general scheme and under the special schemes.
  • An equivalent evaluation carried out under other Community legislation should not be repeated under this Regulation.
  • These studies have been performed under laboratory as well as under typical European farming conditions.
  • They may, however, be exemptable under Article 81(3) under the conditions described below.
  • Kindly inform Mr Sood that under no circumstances will you work under a native.
  • Everything that was once so secure under my father's reign is now under threat.
  • However, if cross checks under other legislation uncover violations, penalties under Regulation 1782/2003 are, of course, still applicable.
  • This should be handled under the notification process under authorisation rules.


  • less than 600nm
  • smaller than 600nm
  • below 600nm
  • less than 600 nanometers

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