bedrock or base?

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The term 'bedrock' refers to the solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or gravel. It is also used metaphorically to represent a strong foundation or basis.

It is commonly used in geology to refer to the solid rock beneath the soil or in a metaphorical sense to describe something fundamental or unchanging.


  • The house was built on solid bedrock.
  • Trust is the bedrock of any relationship.
  • The company's values are the bedrock of its success.
  • The bedrock of democracy is the right to vote.
  • The bedrock principles of the organization guide its decisions.


  • foundation
  • basis
  • cornerstone
  • underpinning
  • groundwork


The term 'base' can refer to the bottom support of something or a starting point. It is more versatile in its usage compared to 'bedrock.'

It can refer to the bottom support of something, a starting point, or a foundation. 'Base' is a more general term that can be used in various contexts.


  • The base of the mountain was covered in snow.
  • She started her painting with a base coat of primer.
  • The company's operations are based in New York.
  • The team built their strategy on a solid base of research.
  • The base of the vase was cracked.


  • foundation
  • bottom
  • starting point
  • footing
  • ground
Both 'bedrock' and 'base' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Bedrock' refers to the solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or gravel, often used metaphorically to represent a strong foundation. 'Base' can refer to the bottom support of something or a starting point, and it is more versatile in its usage.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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