be available for or by use of?

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be available for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the availability of something or someone for a particular purpose.

This phrase is used to express that something or someone is ready, accessible, or obtainable for a specific purpose or task.


  • The new software will be available for download next week.
  • The meeting room is available for booking on Monday.
  • She is available for a job interview on Friday.
  • The tickets are available for purchase online.
  • The doctor is available for consultations in the afternoon.

by use of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the method or means by which something is done or achieved.

This phrase is used to show the way in which something is accomplished or the tools, techniques, or processes used to achieve a certain result.


  • The project was completed by use of advanced technology.
  • You can open the door by use of a key.
  • The puzzle was solved by use of logic and reasoning.
  • The painting was created by use of a brush and canvas.
  • The experiment was successful by use of precise measurements.
These two phrases are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'Be available for' is used to indicate the availability of something or someone, while 'by use of' is used to show the method or means by which something is done. They are not interchangeable.

Last updated: March 24, 2024

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