Which is correct:
"based on" or "based upon"?

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based on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The phrase 'based on' is used to indicate the foundation or starting point of something. It is widely accepted and understood in both spoken and written English.


  • The decision was based on the information provided.
  • Her opinion was based on personal experience.
  • The movie was based on a true story.
  • The report was based on thorough research.
  • His success was based on hard work and dedication.


  • founded on
  • built on
  • grounded on
  • established on
  • resting on

based upon

This phrase is correct and can be used interchangeably with 'based on'.

The phrase 'based upon' has the same meaning as 'based on' and is also widely accepted in English. It is used to indicate the foundation or starting point of something.


  • The decision was based upon careful consideration.
  • Her opinion was based upon thorough analysis.
  • The movie was based upon historical events.
  • The report was based upon expert advice.
  • His success was based upon a solid plan.


  • founded upon
  • built upon
  • grounded upon
  • established upon
  • resting upon
Both 'based on' and 'based upon' are correct and commonly used in English. They are interchangeable and can be used in the same contexts.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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