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atoms of different colors vs atoms with different colors

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Atoms of different colors' implies that the atoms themselves have different colors, while 'atoms with different colors' suggests that the atoms are associated with or possess different colors.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 638 views

atoms of different colors

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe atoms that have different colors.

This phrase is used to indicate that the atoms themselves have different colors.


  • The model showed atoms of different colors to represent various elements.
  • I dress in many suits of different colors.
  • Either the entire inner surface or local areas of different colors if this is your request.
  • He does an act with cords of different colors.
  • And they come in lots of different colors and...
  • At 2200, detainee 9-1-2 was found with seven strings of different colors.
  • Central Services' new duct designs are now available in hundreds of different colors to suit your individual taste.
  • I'm thinking monochromatic, two-tone colors with a bunch of different colors.
  • You have crossed the last great frontier and you have shown us what we are: people. Of different colors and religions and ideologies, however, a single people.
  • There are differences in Colors caused by different color characteristics of different devices like cameras, scanners, displays or printers
  • We saw the flares of different colors to rise... indicating adónde they were going... the convoys of the USA. of certain compositions... and how were the insurgents following them.
  • Of different colors and religions and ideologies, however, a single people.
  • He had seen people of different colors living in different places.
  • So the smell of vanilla, that might change the four on the left to brown and the one on the right to yellow. This matrix can produce thousands of different color combinations to represent thousands of different smells.
  • So he had traveled all around. He had seen people of different colors living in different places. And yet he rejected the idea that human skin pigmentation was related to the climate.
  • So, any image of the kind that you see on the left, be it a real image or a synthetic image, it's made up of little regions that you see in the middle column, regions of different colors, different luminances.
  • They have Hubfluid in different colors.
  • I hope yours is a different color.
  • It's a different color than our victim.
  • Different colors mean different stages of healing.
  • John painted her nails Different colors, But it didn't go nowhere.


  • atoms in different colors
  • atoms showing different colors
  • atoms displaying different colors
  • atoms that are different colors
  • atoms colored differently

atoms with different colors

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe atoms that are associated with or possess different colors.

This phrase is used to indicate that the atoms are linked to or have different colors.


  • The experiment involved atoms with different colors for identification purposes.
  • Because they just love exotic cocktails with different colors and delicate little ornaments, while we always have the same old whiskey.
  • I mean, the kid has got, like, a mohawk with different colors on it and earrings, you know.
  • They have Hubfluid in different colors.
  • I hope yours is a different color.
  • It's a different color than our victim.
  • Different colors mean different stages of healing.
  • John painted her nails Different colors, But it didn't go nowhere.
  • He decided to paint the strongest of his birds a different color.
  • Well, that's a pipe of a different color.
  • I need to confirm that Amanda and Nate are two different colors.
  • Hopefully it's a different color.
  • I have four different color combos.
  • I dress in many suits of different colors.
  • Different colors and shapes encourage them to play.
  • Why are stars so many different colors?
  • Basically, stars have slightly different colors because they have different surface temperatures.
  • Different color inks, full sentences.
  • And some parents have different colors, like you guys.
  • Different color inks, full sentences.
  • Either the entire inner surface or local areas of different colors if this is your request.


  • atoms having different colors
  • atoms possessing different colors
  • atoms linked to different colors
  • atoms associated with different colors
  • atoms that possess different colors

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