Which one is correct?
"at certain time during" or "at time n during"?

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at certain time during

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194 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • They can block unwanted (in and outbound) traffic, allow it at certain time during the day, give priority to certain hosts, and enforce many other related policies.
  • Breathing is irregular at certain time during sleep and the sufferer may hold his breath for long periods of time. This is called an apnea episode or apnea event.
  • Apr 8, 2015 ... What you neglected to account for, however, is that at certain time during these 2 months you upgraded disks on your database servers to much ...
  • In addition, a tour desk will be available onsite at the Convention Centre at certain time during the event to enable you to find out more and book tours.

at time n during

43 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • At time n during trial t, this distribution is called T t;n pxy(a)], and assigns joint probabilities to the complete set of transition probabilities. The agent uses Bayes'  ...
  • At time n during trial t, this distribution is called T t,n[pxy(a)], and assigns joint probabilities to the complete set of transition probabilities. The agent uses Bayes'  ...
  • observed labels at time n. During subsequent epochs, probability estimates of the outgoing state at time n - lover increasing forward decoding depth k = 1, .
  • somes is shown at time n. During differential reproduction, in which chromsomes are chosen to reproduce based on their individual fitness, the first chromsome ...
A complete search of the internet has found that "at certain time during" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last Updated: October 31, 2015

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