Which is correct:
"at night" or "in the night"?

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at night

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to activities or events that happen during the night.

Use 'at night' to refer to specific activities, events, or situations that occur during the nighttime hours.


  • I like to take a walk in the park at night.
  • The stars are beautiful at night.
  • She works as a security guard at night.
  • The city comes alive at night.
  • We heard strange noises at night.


  • during the night
  • at nighttime

in the night

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English. It is typically used to describe something that occurs within the time frame of the night.

Use 'in the night' to describe events or situations that happen within the time period of the night, rather than specific activities or events.


  • I heard a strange noise in the night.
  • The animals come out to hunt in the night.
  • In the night, everything is quiet.
  • She felt a sense of unease in the night.
  • The stars shine brightly in the night sky.


  • during the night
  • at night
Both 'at night' and 'in the night' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'At night' is more commonly used to refer to activities or events that happen during the night, while 'in the night' is less common and is typically used to describe something that occurs within the time frame of the night.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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