Which is correct:
"at first sight indeed" or "Is it"?

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at first sight indeed

This phrase is correct and can be used to express agreement or confirmation.

This phrase is used to confirm or agree with something that has been said or observed.


  • At first sight indeed, the painting looks like a masterpiece.
  • The plan seems risky, but at first sight indeed, it could work.
  • At first sight indeed, the data supports our hypothesis.
  • I was skeptical at first, but at first sight indeed, you were right.
  • The solution proposed is indeed feasible, at first sight.

Is it

This phrase is correct and is used to seek confirmation or clarification.

'Is it?' is a simple question used to confirm or clarify something that has been said.


  • You're coming to the party, is it?
  • The meeting is at 3 pm, is it?
  • You finished the report, is it?
  • The weather is nice today, is it?
  • You're feeling better now, is it?
These two phrases are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'At first sight indeed' is used to express agreement or confirmation, while 'Is it?' is a question seeking confirmation or clarification. They are not interchangeable in most contexts.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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