Which one is correct?
"during compression" or "at certain point during"?

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during compression

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe an action or event that takes place while something is being compressed.

This phrase is used to indicate an activity or occurrence that happens at the same time as the process of compression. It specifies the context in which the action occurs.


  • During compression, the material undergoes significant changes in its properties.
  • The machine operates at high speed during compression of the components.
  • During compression of the data, errors may occur.
  • The substance expands during compression in the chamber.
  • During compression of the file, make sure to check for any corruption.


  • while compressing
  • as compression occurs
  • throughout compression
  • when compressing
  • amid compression

at certain point during

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to specify a specific time within a period.

This phrase is used to pinpoint a particular moment or time frame within a larger period. It helps to provide more specific information about when something happens.


  • At a certain point during the meeting, she raised an important question.
  • At a certain point during the day, the sun shines directly into the room.
  • At a certain point during the movie, the plot twist was revealed.
  • At a certain point during the year, the weather becomes extremely hot.
  • At a certain point during the game, the team scored a winning goal.


  • at a specific time during
  • at a particular moment during
  • at a specific point during
  • at a particular time during
  • at a particular juncture during
These two phrases are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'At certain point during' is used to specify a particular time or moment within a period, while 'during compression' describes an action or event that occurs while something is being compressed.

Last Updated: March 17, 2024

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