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asked us how long did it take vs asked us how long does it take

A complete search of the internet has found that "asked us how long does it take" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: October 23, 2015 • 635 views

asked us how long did it take

3 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Jun 24, 2013 ... You asked us “How long did it take you to write the song?” Hmm… That's tough to answer precisely. Each song is different, but for “Cards and Letters” the lyrics came first and they were written pretty quickly. Then Kim came up ...
  • You asked us “How long did it take you to write the song?” Hmm… That's tough to answer precisely. Each song is different, but for “Cards and Letters” the lyrics came first and they were written pretty quickly. Then Kim came up with a rough ...
  • Jun 24, 2013 ... You asked us “How long did it take you to write the song?” Hmm… That's tough to answer precisely. Each song is different, but for “Cards and Letters” the lyrics came first and they were written pretty quickly. Then Kim came up ...

asked us how long does it take

More popular!

4 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Apr 5, 2014 ... 999 caller at Xmas asked us “how long does it take to cook turkey?” < T'is the season to ask a chef! #Masterchef #999PoliceScot. ; Police Scotland (@ policescotland) April 4, 2014 ...
  • May 14, 2014 ... Arethousa Melaina Titania asked us, “How long does it take to create one collectible?” The general timeline for our collectibles depends on whether we're talking about Statues or Action Figures. They both take about a year to ...
  • Apr 5, 2014 ... 999 caller at Xmas asked us “how long does it take to cook turkey?” < T'is the season to ask a chef! #Masterchef #999PoliceScot · 2 years ago · ReplyRetweet Favorite · //twitter.com/policescotland/status/452016100633743360.
  • Apr 4, 2014 ... 999 caller at Xmas asked us “how long does it take to cook turkey?” < T'is the season to ask a chef! #Masterchef #999PoliceScot. — Police Scotland (@ policescotland) April 4, 2014 ...

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