Which one is correct?
"As he himself" or "As she herself"?

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As he himself

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a male.

This phrase is used to emphasize that a male person is doing something personally or directly. It adds emphasis to the subject's actions or characteristics.


  • He completed the project as he himself had planned.
  • As he himself admitted, the mistake was his.
  • The chef cooked the meal as he himself had taught his students.
  • As he himself saw, the solution was clear.
  • He spoke as he himself believed, with passion and conviction.


  • as he is
  • as he does
  • as he said
  • as he thought
  • as he wanted

As she herself

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a female.

This phrase is used to emphasize that a female person is doing something personally or directly. It adds emphasis to the subject's actions or characteristics.


  • She solved the problem as she herself had planned.
  • As she herself admitted, the task was challenging.
  • The artist painted the portrait as she herself envisioned it.
  • As she herself saw, the situation was getting out of control.
  • She spoke as she herself believed, with honesty and conviction.


  • as she is
  • as she does
  • as she said
  • as she thought
  • as she wanted
Both phrases are correct, but the choice between 'as she herself' and 'as he himself' depends on the gender of the person being referred to. 'As she herself' is used when referring to a female, while 'as he himself' is used when referring to a male. The phrases are comparable in terms of structure and meaning.

Last Updated: March 08, 2024

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