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as i can remember vs as far i can remember

Both phrases are incorrect. The correct phrase is 'as far as I can remember.' The addition of 'as far' is necessary to convey the intended meaning of recalling something to the best of one's ability.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 3292 views

as i can remember

This phrase is incorrect in English. It lacks the necessary 'far as' to convey the intended meaning.

The correct phrase is 'as far as I can remember,' which means recalling something to the best of one's ability.
  • It happens to be the quickest response throughout the operation of this fund, at least as far as I can remember.
  • As far as I can remember, I've been obedient, well-adjusted, almost meek.
  • This is Roderick as well as I can remember.
  • She's never actually had an art show before, As far as I can remember.
  • Far as I can remember, it was clean.
  • As far as I can remember, sir, it goes something like this.
  • This is the view as far as I can remember, madam.
  • Near as I can remember, that's something in back of the house.
  • So far as I can remember, the WHO guideline is 25.
  • From as early as I can remember, I dreamed of someday being captain of a ship.
  • Which is, as far as I can remember, a fully-grown woman who wet herself in front of a class of 15-year-old girls.
  • The incident happened around here, as far as I can remember, but so far, there's nothing out of the ordinary.
  • as far as I can remember he came here a few years ago.
  • Mr President, the vote has been carried out properly and on time and, as far as I can remember, Mr President, I have never known a vote to be repeated in this House as a result of a machine failing.
  • What ensued proved to be as unilluminating a 50 minutes as I can remember spending outside the confines of parliamentary debate.
  • This is the first time, as far as I can remember, that the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy has been able to conduct a debate at a time that might be called in any way normal.
  • I think that this is a total perversion and this has never happened before as far as I can remember in the ten years in which I have been a Member of this Parliament.


  • as far as I can remember

as far i can remember

This phrase is also incorrect. It should be 'as far as I can remember.'

The correct phrase is 'as far as I can remember,' which means recalling something to the best of one's ability.
  • As far I can remember, you always been evil.
  • As far as I can remember, I've been obedient, well-adjusted, almost meek.
  • She's never actually had an art show before, As far as I can remember.
  • As far as I can remember, sir, it goes something like this.
  • This is the view as far as I can remember, madam.
  • The incident happened around here, as far as I can remember, but so far, there's nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Which is, as far as I can remember, a fully-grown woman who wet herself in front of a class of 15-year-old girls.
  • It happens to be the quickest response throughout the operation of this fund, at least as far as I can remember.
  • I've have problems as far back as I can remember.
  • as far as I can remember he came here a few years ago.
  • This is the first time, as far as I can remember, that the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy has been able to conduct a debate at a time that might be called in any way normal.
  • I think that this is a total perversion and this has never happened before as far as I can remember in the ten years in which I have been a Member of this Parliament.
  • You and me been at each other as far back as I can remember.
  • As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.
  • We've been having it hard around these parts as far back as I can remember.
  • You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories... about this place as far back as I can remember.
  • She's been an addict for as far back as I can remember.
  • It's always been a bit strange, as far back as I can remember.
  • As far back as I can remember, there was a rat in the bathtub.
  • It's something I've always fancied, as far back as ever I can remember.


  • as far as I can remember

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