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as Contrary to the theory vs As opposed to the theory

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'As opposed to the theory' is more commonly used to express a contrast or contradiction, while 'as contrary to the theory' is less common but still grammatically correct. The choice between them depends on the specific context and the level of formality desired.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 1262 views

as Contrary to the theory

This phrase is grammatically correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase can be used to indicate a contradiction or contrast with a theory. It is more formal and less common than 'as opposed to the theory.'
  • It appears evident that every form of biological sociologism attributed to Darwin is absolutely contrary to the theory of natural selection itself, and that his ideas have instead been distorted and instrumentalised.
  • As the Court argued in its Opinion No 2/2001, such a procedure is contrary to theory and good practice in the use of differentiated appropriations.
  • What Dr. Shepherd is suggesting runs contrary to theories the global scientific community has unanimously subscribed to for nearly half a century.
  • On the contrary, the theories assert that change does actually occur.
  • When necessary, you must take the "appropriate measures to ensure that the faithful are guarded from every doctrine and theory contrary to it" (John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor, 116).
  • On the contrary - according to the theories that emerged from the availability of new methods for the detection of brain activity - a choice is all the more rational as takes into account the emotions.
  • Implicitly, this theory claims as well that the default state of cells in metazoa is quiescence, meaning that cells have to be actively stimulated in order to proliferate; this notion is contrary to evolutionary theory.
  • But it seems that that is not the case; since those comrades complain that "in the name of the same organization, in every corner of France, the most diverse, and even contrary theories are spreading".
  • The problem for carrying out statistical analyses on the evolutionary psychology of these abilities is the lack of reliable indications with continuous variables for these abilities; contrary to, in theory, the case of the evolution of intelligence due to the existence of intelligence quotients.
  • The Chaos Theory is not a theory about disorder as some people think, but on the contrary - a theory about a different order or rather about a higher order that we are unaware of.
  • Contrary to what scientists insistently state, the Synthetic Theory or the Theory of Evolution of Darwin are everything but scientifically proven.
  • The theory of Mendel, contrary to that of Darwin, has always been a clear and simple example of the application of inductive reasoning.
  • The decision on the detention of the applicant deemed as contrary to the Convention...
  • Individual meant that hiring others was still forbidden as contrary to Marxist doctrine.
  • A third misunderstanding consists in considering the non negotiable principles as contrary to the essence of democracy.
  • Otherwise, the aid will be regarded as contrary to the common interest.
  • This should be condemned by Parliament as contrary to the rule of law.
  • The European Union condemned this extrajudicial killing as contrary to international law.
  • This practice might also be considered as contrary to the standard of professional diligence which this directive requires traders to live up to.
  • In its declaration, the EU condemned the referendum, regarding it as contrary to Moldova's regional integration and its internationally recognised sovereignty.


  • as opposed to the theory
  • in contrast to the theory
  • contrary to the theory
  • in opposition to the theory
  • in contradiction to the theory

As opposed to the theory

This phrase is commonly used in English to express a contrast or contradiction with a theory.

This phrase is commonly used to indicate a contradiction or contrast with a theory. It is more informal and widely used than 'as contrary to the theory.'
  • We are completely opposed to the theory of gender equality and to all of the requirements based on this mistaken approach to human society.
  • He opposed the theories of Aristotle that asserted there is no motion in a vacuum. He further refuted the Aristotelian hypotheses on falling bodies, proposing that all weights fall with a uniform acceleration, once resistance is negligible or nil.
  • The traditional theory was corrected by the theory of the fixed balance of price (often called theory of imbalance) suggested by Edmond Malinvaud who adopts an assumption opposed to the classical theory: that of the rigidity of the prices in short period.
  • Bruni is opposed to this theory and tries to demonstrate the futile argument with the rhetorical use of the similitudo or simile. Ms. 36 of the Burgess Collection reads as follows:
  • Coercion and coordination are two diametrically opposed political and human theories.
  • Fellow of the Royal Society, opposed Franklin's theories of electricity and claimed - contrary to the American scientist and statesman - that pointed lightning rods were less efficient than sphere-tipped rods.
  • But both of them, as opposed to the contemporary women's movement, lacked a feminist theory and true autonomy.
  • This philosophy of fatalism and prostration is diametrically opposed to Marxism as the theory of revolutionary action.
  • The old theory of elements linked water to a female principle, as opposed to the air, a male element.
  • [10] Nelson, R and Winter, S.G. (1982), An evolutionary theory of economic change. Tacit knowledge, as opposed to information and codified knowledge, is not formalised and can only be generated through social interaction/relationships.
  • This as opposed to 643 South Vietnamese...
  • As opposed to the happy, glorious one.
  • I prefer healthy expressions of violence as opposed to breaking in.
  • I'd appreciate a little discretion as opposed to a surprise office visit.
  • As opposed to the house and Phoebe.
  • I mean getting things done as opposed to squabbling with the guests.
  • As opposed to freshly unscrewed orange juice.
  • As opposed to my work, which invigorates you.
  • As opposed to our $15 million apiece.
  • I express myself well in writing, as opposed to Fredrik.


  • as contrary to the theory
  • in contrast to the theory
  • contrary to the theory
  • in opposition to the theory
  • in contradiction to the theory

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