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Are you at road ? vs Are you in the road ?

A complete search of the internet has found that "Are you at road ?" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: May 31, 2016 • 1516 views

Are you at road ?

6 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Are you even watching the road?
  • Why are you walking on the edge of the road?
  • Are you going up the road?
  • - Are you sure this is the road? - I hope so.
  • Are you sure we want to go down that road?
  • Are you sure that's the road?
  • What are you doing on the King's road?
  • Are you also a person who picks up girls on the road?
  • Are you sure you don't recognise that road?
  • "Why are you just hanging around, blocking the road?"
  • Are you sure that your old man is still on the road?
  • If he's a good man, why are you wasting him on the road?
  • Hicks, how far are you from 4th Dylan Road?
  • Are you sure you don't want a fallout tablet for the road?
  • Nate, seriously, why are you dossing in here with a perfectly nice house over the road?
  • How are you supposed to get away from a helicopter when there's just one long road?
  • Why are so many people dying on the roads?
  • And what about vehicles which are already on the road?
  • Sir, you are Lawrence Gopnik of 8419 Fern Hill Road?
  • Hassan, why are they blocking the road?

Are you in the road ?

More popular!

3,270,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • How about a guy who leaves bottles of water for you in the road?
  • Are you even watching the road?
  • Why are you walking on the edge of the road?
  • Are you going up the road?
  • - Are you sure this is the road? - I hope so.
  • Are you sure that's the road?
  • Are you also a person who picks up girls on the road?
  • Now, Havershaw, aren't we coming to that rather dangerous oily spot in the road?
  • Wasn't there a body in the road?
  • What's that there, in the road?
  • So... this may be a fork in the road?
  • Why is your house in the road?
  • At about that man in the road?
  • Stefan, who was that man in the road?
  • What did I tell you about playing football in the road?
  • Why are so many people dying on the roads?
  • And what about vehicles which are already on the road?
  • Hassan, why are they blocking the road?
  • "Why are you just hanging around, blocking the road?"
  • Are you sure that your old man is still on the road?

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