appropriate timing or proper timing?

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appropriate timing

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the timing that is suitable or fitting for a particular situation or action.


  • It is important to have appropriate timing when delivering bad news.
  • She always has a knack for choosing the appropriate timing for her jokes.
  • The success of the plan depended on the appropriate timing of the launch.
  • He waited for the appropriate timing to ask for a raise.
  • The project was completed with the help of appropriate timing in the execution of tasks.


  • proper timing
  • correct timing
  • suitable timing
  • right timing
  • optimal timing

proper timing

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the timing that is correct or appropriate for a specific situation or action.


  • She chose the proper timing to announce her resignation.
  • The success of the surprise party hinged on the proper timing of the guests' arrival.
  • It's crucial to have proper timing when making a big decision.
  • He always seems to have a sense of the proper timing for his actions.
  • The project was completed successfully due to the proper timing of each phase.


  • appropriate timing
  • correct timing
  • suitable timing
  • right timing
  • optimal timing
Both 'appropriate timing' and 'proper timing' are correct phrases that can be used interchangeably. They both convey the idea of the correct or suitable time for something.

Last updated: March 26, 2024

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