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applied way vs employed way

Both "applied way" and "employed way" are not commonly used phrases in English. However, if we were to choose between the two, "employed way" would be slightly more acceptable as it conveys the idea of utilizing a method or approach.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 754 views

applied way

This phrase is not commonly used in English and may not convey a clear meaning.

It is better to use a different phrase to express the idea of utilizing a method or approach.
  • The penalties under Community legislation are applied in different ways in the four Member States visited.
  • The European Union shall endeavour to ensure that no EU policies or measures are adopted or applied in ways that are detrimental to the linguistic diversity of Europe.
  • Transitional rules concerning cases where reductions to be applied by way of off-setting against payments the following three years do only cover decisions taken concerning applications for the year 2004.
  • I really do hope it is ensured that the regulations will not be applied in that way.
  • This amendment will allow for the same information to be provided, but applied in a way that is acceptable to industry.
  • The area of youth policy must be transparent and needs democratic control mechanisms, which should be applied in a way that directly involves young people.
  • We didn't know they'd be applied in that way.
  • The methodology shall be applied in a way that is adapted to the type of applicant.
  • However, it is absolutely crucial for these mechanisms to be activated and applied in a way that is quick, flexible and simple.
  • The test can be applied in different ways, and no, it is not always perfect.
  • were applied in conflicting ways up until 1 August 2004.
  • The provisions listed in Annex II(f) shall not be applied in a way that would be incompatible with paragraph 1 of this Article.
  • This regime should be applied in a uniform way across the Union.
  • Justice must be applied in the same way for everyone.
  • The rules concerning reductions to be applied by way of off-setting against payments the following three years are only possible, in the case of livestock payments, within the same aid scheme as where the irregularity has occurred.
  • The rules must be applied in the same way to all parties.
  • While this communication deals explicitly with the manufacturing sector, the principle can undoubtedly be applied in the same way to all other sectors.
  • Regarding the identification of seafarers and port personnel involved in security controls, requirements should be applied in a practical way in order not to obstruct unduly commercial operations.
  • Clearly, such options must be applied in such a way as to be compatible with the need to protect society against dangerous individuals.
  • This shall be applied in the same way as for reference (14) above.


  • method used
  • approach taken
  • way of doing things

employed way

While not commonly used, "employed way" can be understood as referring to the method or approach used.

This phrase can be used to describe the method or approach that is being utilized in a particular situation.
  • Estimates vary from between 15,000 to 20,000 people who are employed in that way.
  • For these reasons, and with a view to ensuring transparency and legal certainty through common rules, it is appropriate to provide for accredited parliamentary assistants to be employed by way of direct contracts with the European Parliament.
  • assistants to be employed by way of direct contracts with the European Parliament.
  • Use of antibiotics is one of the ways employed by fish farmers to fight certain diseases of bacterial origin.
  • In the mid-1970s, 26% of the British workforce was employed in some way by the manufacturing sector.
  • Main way employed persons adapted their work to facilitate childcare responsibilities
  • Resources have to be used for their designated purpose, managed in a transparent way and employed in accordance with the European legislation on competitiveness.
  • I welcome the agreement to have an in-depth study into the legal, economic and social situation of people who are self-employed in this way.
  • Steps to combat undeclared work in the EU and in individual Member States should deal with everyone employed in this way on the same basis, irrespective of whether they are EU citizens or third country nationals.
  • In future, we expect monitoring that ensures that the funds are employed in a way that is traceable and durable.
  • The duty drawback (DDB) clause, which is employed in a way which seriously impedes competition (as pointed out by European car manufacturers and trade unions), has been accepted.
  • Measures also need to be taken to prevent certain conditions for sub-contracting and the award of public contracts from leading small businesses or the self-employed to seek illegal ways of achieving the profit margins forbidden to them by contractors.
  • We can be grateful to the Commission for having, some time ago, brought out a very interesting brochure in which it set out the means that could be employed in this way to benefit the renewable energy sector in the Mediterranean region alone.
  • The Member States' competence for stipulating how many third-country nationals may enter their territory to seek work there as employees or self-employed workers provides a way of taking labour market needs into account;
  • Unless we all, those of us who do not carry out massacres, decide jointly that there is a limit, even for sovereignty, when that sovereignty is employed in a way that goes against the dignity and ethics of humanity.
  • Women should have equal chances to engage in self-employed activities and establish companies; maternity-leave systems should ensure that self-employed women can benefit from them in the same way as employed workers.
  • It was also important that self-employed people should now be treated in the same way as other drivers for, from the road user's point of view, it is immaterial whether he is run over by an employed or self-employed driver.
  • The techniques employed for this purpose are in no way different from the general espionage methods described in Chapter 2.
  • DARIAH ERIC shall not discriminate in any way between directly employed and seconded personnel.
  • It would also interfere with self-employed people's use of their free time in a way which would be impossible to monitor.


  • method employed
  • approach utilized
  • way of implementation

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