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application under progress vs application in progress

Both phrases, 'application under progress' and 'application in progress,' are commonly used to indicate that an application is currently being processed or worked on. However, 'application in progress' is the more standard and widely accepted phrase in English. It is recommended to use 'application in progress' for clarity and correctness.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 4680 views

application under progress

This phrase is not incorrect, but it is less common and not the standard way to express that an application is being processed.

This phrase can be understood to mean that an application is currently being processed or worked on, but it is not the most commonly used expression in English.


  • The application under progress will be reviewed by the admissions committee.
  • Please be patient as your application is under progress.
  • Device detection under progress, please wait...
  • Credit institutions filing applications under Article 129(2) need legal certainty.
  • InBev submitted an application under the Commission Notice on the non-imposition or reduction of fines in cartel cases.
  • Natural persons may not submit applications under this call for proposals.
  • The Commission's investigation started on the basis of an immunity application under the 2002 Leniency Notice made by Chiquita.
  • Overall annual expenditure resulting from calls for applications under Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006.
  • Submission of variation(s) application under worksharing
  • (1) Commission Decision 2004/844/EC [2] established the standard form for legal aid applications under Directive 2003/8/EC.
  • he submits an application under the single
  • Authoring applications under UNIX/X11 used to be an extremely tedious and labour intensive process.
  • The manufacturer shall demonstrate that tests and verification of ICs have been considered successful for previous applications under comparable conditions.
  • An application under paragraph 2 shall:
  • Central Authorities shall provide assistance in relation to applications under Chapter III.
  • Applications under this title shall be made in writing.
  • Applications under quotas A and B shall be dealt with together.
  • In the course of that investigation, UCAR approached the Commission in order to submit an application under the 'Leniency notice'.
  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency, the body usually responsible in such cases, would have rejected this application under normal circumstances.
  • (1) The Commission has received applications under Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 953/2003 with respect to certain pharmaceutical products.
  • Applications under the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall indicate the Member State or States in which the customs authorities are requested to take action.
  • Your envelope must be marked APPLICATION UNDER THE DAPHNE II PROGRAMME.


  • application in progress
  • application being processed
  • application under review
  • application being considered
  • application being evaluated

application in progress

This phrase is the more standard and widely accepted way to express that an application is currently being processed or worked on.

This phrase is commonly used to indicate that an application is currently being processed or worked on. It is the preferred and more standard expression in English.


  • The application is in progress and should be completed soon.
  • We are currently reviewing applications in progress.
  • projects and activities started during this provisional application and still in progress at the time of the abovementioned notification shall continue until their completion under the conditions laid down in this Agreement.
  • During 1998 there were 22 new applications finalised with four in progress.
  • projects and activities started during this provisional application and still in progress at the time of the abovementioned notification shall continue until their completion under the conditions laid down in this Agreement.
  • How is unrestricted freedom of movement for third-country nationals while their application for asylum is in progress to be reconciled with the public's need for security and with concerns that the procedure should be speeded up?
  • The Committee wholeheartedly backs the ongoing development and practical application of progress indicators that go beyond GDP.
  • The Committee wholeheartedly backs the ongoing development and practical application of progress indicators that go beyond GDP.
  • The European Parliament can and must have a fundamental role in the monitoring and application of the PROGRESS programme.
  • The idea that humans should be cloned would seem more akin to Hitler's thinking about the Aryan race than any responsible application of scientific progress.
  • Mrs Schaffner is also quite right to regard this as significant progress and application of this ruling in the Member States has already begun.
  • There has also been very good progress on applications for the financing provided with the recovery plan, so the recovery plan was successful, in my opinion.
  • The necessary changes to the application for combating euro counterfeiting are ongoing and will be completed before the ACCBs join the operational framework of the ESCB. 3.5 IT INFRASTRUCTURE AND APPLICATIONS Significant progress was made in 2003 in preparing the IT infrastructure and applications for ESCB enlargement.
  • Can the Commission say what happened to this specific application and where its progress ground to a halt?
  • To a great extent the Commission shares the analysis made by Mr McGowan of the situation concerning the lack of real progress in application of the Treaty on European union in this field.
  • in progress up to the application of this Regulation
  • One might even say that there is a real rebellion in progress by certain Member States against the application of the directive on natural habitats and other environmental directives.
  • The investigation process must be concluded within no more than 200 days, in line with the maximum period for the application of provisional measures, so as to ensure that industry is not left unprotected while an investigation is in progress.
  • It is a resolution which combines effectively severe criticism of the Treaty of Nice and serious concern about the risks arising from its immediate application at this new stage of European integration which is now in progress.
  • Given that the 2007/08 marketing year is already in progress, and in order to prevent operators in the sector from being treated differently depending on the time at which they submit their applications, this Regulation should not apply until the 2008/09 marketing year.
  • 2010 | Review of progress of cross border public eProcurement applications in the Member States. |
  • The board, which had refused the application in February 2009, reviewed its decision 'given that significant progress had been made by the operators of the Freeport to address environment operational concerns and adopt mitigation measures in the public interest'.


  • application under review
  • application being processed
  • application under consideration
  • application being evaluated
  • application being worked on

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