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Anyone arriving after the vs Anyone has arrived after the

The phrases are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'Anyone arriving after the' is correct when referring to a general group of people who arrive after a certain time. 'Anyone has arrived after the' is incorrect because 'has arrived' is in the past tense and does not fit the context of referring to future arrivals.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 1443 views

Anyone arriving after the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a group of people who arrive after a certain time.

This phrase is used to talk about people who will arrive after a specific point in time.
  • Tenders arriving after the closing date for submission of tenders, see section 6, shall be rejected as overdue and be returned.
  • Proposals for indirect RTD actions arriving after this date and time will be excluded.
  • I apologise to Mrs Cederschiöld for mistiming my arrival and arriving after much of the debate.
  • This arriving after everything has happened isn't a good thing for your reputation as a psychic.
  • Proposals arriving after this deadline will not be accepted for evaluation
  • He's going today right after the sketch trip.
  • Over Delaware after the second scotch.
  • A predator after the caribou herd.
  • Just remind me after The Broath.
  • I finally counted after the third trip.
  • After the way we treated them...
  • After the vessels that carried my people were destroyed.
  • After the Terraformers changed his planet forever.
  • The lawsuit was sealed after the settlement.
  • - Meaning until after the election.
  • Navigation's recalibrating after the engine failure.
  • You could check after the thing.
  • I'll take questions after the launch celebration.
  • I started taking the pills after the elevator accident.
  • Been going after the wrong thing.

Anyone has arrived after the

This phrase is incorrect as it uses 'has arrived' in the past tense, which does not match the context of referring to future arrivals.

This phrase should not be used to refer to people arriving after a certain time.
  • His girlfriend Vivian arrived after the wine.
  • He arrived after the murder and tried to help.
  • He arrived after the bell rang.
  • - I arrived after the first group of officers had already pursued the two assailants into the park.
  • Of the nine opinions received, five arrived after the expiry of the deadline laid down pursuant to Article 6 of Protocol No 2.
  • It is true that the time for compromises has already passed, but the request by the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe arrived after the deadline.
  • The Pakistani authorities have barred the crew of the ship, four Greek citizens and three from the Philippines, from leaving the country, and have also arrested the engineer Nicolaos Pappas, who arrived after the accident to lead the salvage effort.
  • The Pakistani authorities have barred the crew of the ship, four Greek citizens and three from the Philippines, from leaving the country, and have also arrested the engineer Nicolaos Pappas, who arrived after the accident to lead the salvage effort.
  • That letter arrived after Governor Taseer's murder.
  • Furthermore, at the latest 42 days after the waste has left the Community, the notifier shall declare or certify to that competent authority, with copies to the other competent authorities of transit, that it has arrived at its intended destination.
  • Your knight in shining armor has arrived.
  • Your summer activities consultant has arrived.
  • The Duke of Sandringham has arrived.
  • Ms.Davenport, your guest has arrived.
  • Tim Bisley's portfolio has arrived.
  • Mistress, General Bain has arrived with his battalion.
  • My wife's visa arrived after mine.
  • Yes, but she arrived after Montgomery left.
  • So he arrived after Mia called 911.
  • The Wraith arrived after we did the scans.

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