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antimould vs anti-mold

Both "antimould" and "anti-mold" are correct, but the usage may depend on the regional preferences or specific contexts. "Antimould" is more commonly used in British English, while "anti-mold" is more common in American English.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 869 views


This term is correct and commonly used in British English.

This term is commonly used in British English to refer to products or treatments that prevent the growth of mold.


  • The antimould paint worked well in preventing mold growth in the bathroom.
  • Make sure to use antimould sealant in damp areas to avoid mold issues.
  • A study concluded that the cause of these reactions was a toxic gas emitted by an anti-mould agent put into the sofa.
  • The cheese may be treated externally with an anti-mould product and must mature in suitable rooms at a temperature of 5 to 12 ºC with a relative humidity of 75-90 %.


  • anti-mold
  • mold-resistant
  • mold-inhibiting
  • mold-preventing
  • mold-repellent


This term is correct and commonly used in American English.

This term is commonly used in American English to refer to products or treatments that prevent the growth of mold.


  • The anti-mold spray effectively eliminated the mold in the basement.
  • Use anti-mold cleaners regularly to keep your shower free from mold.


  • antimould
  • mold-resistant
  • mold-inhibiting
  • mold-preventing
  • mold-repellent

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