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and/or vs and or

Both "and/or" and "and or" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "And/or" is commonly used in formal writing to indicate that either one or both options are applicable. On the other hand, "and or" is used in informal writing or speech to present two options that may be chosen independently.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 813 views


This construction is correct and commonly used in formal writing to indicate that either one or both options are applicable.

Use "and/or" when you want to convey that both options presented can be chosen, or that one or the other can be chosen, or that both can be chosen.


  • Please select the color and/or size of the item.
  • The event is open to all students and/or faculty members.


  • either/or
  • both/and
  • and or both

and or

This construction is correct and used in informal writing or speech to present two options that may be chosen independently.

Use "and or" when presenting two options that are not necessarily exclusive, and the choice can be made independently for each option.


  • You can have tea and or coffee with your breakfast.
  • Please bring your passport and or driver's license for identification.
  • Sector or sectors concerned: sea fishing, aquaculture, processing and or marketing.
  • only extruded puffed and or fruit-flavoured breakfast cereals
  • Now, this allows the less powerful members of the tribe to express their feelings and or frustrations through music.
  • modelling forest resources under future climate scenarios and or impacts from fires and other disturbances
  • (11a) In order to encourage mobility it should be possible to transfer government loans and or grants for applicants to the host country.
  • Targeted group and or activity [20]
  • Description of any facilities and or systems implemented to ensure compliance with the provisions in Articles 19, 20, 21 and 28.
  • Description of any facilities and or systems implemented to ensure compliance with the provisions in Articles 12, 16, 20, 22 and 23.
  • This row shall record recoveries and or corrections in accordance with the third and fourth subparagraphs of Article 32 (5) of Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005.
  • Until fraud is proven in a court of law (often a very lengthy process) it is uncertain whether a Member State can itself legally notify the names of companies and or individuals.
  • The previous 1997 Guidelines allowed such reductions for all seafarers working on board vessels registered in an EEA State and subject to tax and or social security contributions in an EEA State.
  • Thus until a given amount/project/programme has been declared properly eligible in accordance with the relevant contract and or regulation, there remains the possibility of recovering monies from beneficiaries, or having future payments reduced.
  • Another powerful incentive for return and or circular migration is the portability of pensions' benefits and social security benefits of migrants from host to source country.
  • Description of any facilities and or systems implemented to ensure compliance with the provisions in points 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6 of Annex III.
  • The criteria are based on EU and or national ecolabel criteria where available.
  • And it is an even greater disgrace that despite the agreements made in the last year, it has been impossible to reduce red tape and or to improve European law.
  • Information about and terms of any acquisition rights and or obligations over authorised but unissued capital or an undertaking to increase the capital.
  • The party recalled that the measures represent a very significant cost increase that cannot be fully offset by cost decreases and or imports from the third countries.
  • Customer support after the purchase of a good or service was not satisfactory to the consumer in terms of communication and or process.
  • A collection of railway link sequences and or individual railway links that are characterized by one or more thematical identifiers and/or properties.


  • or
  • and
  • or both
  • either

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