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all information collected vs all the information collected

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'All information collected' is more general and can be used when referring to any information that has been gathered. 'All the information collected' is more specific and implies that there is a particular set of information that has been gathered.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1521 views

all information collected

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to any information that has been gathered, without specifying any particular set of information.


  • All information collected will be analyzed before making a decision.
  • The Commission shall have full access to all information collected by the Agency.
  • The present rules shall apply to all information collected and further processed by Eurojust, that is to say, information drawn up or received by it and in its possession, concerning matters relating to the policies, activities and decisions falling within Eurojust's sphere of responsibility.
  • 1. The Commission shall have full access to all information collected by the Agency. The Agency shall furnish any information and an evaluation of that information to the Commission at its request and in the form specified by it.
  • record and identification of the ships which have left the register during the previous 12 months; during this period all information collected in the database over the period in which they remained in the register must be maintained,
  • All information collected during the investigation shall be examined by the joint Transparency Register Secretariat.
  • All information collected confirms the existence of overcapacity of the Chinese industry.
  • All information collected during the investigation shall be examined by the JTRS which may decide to hear the registrant concerned, or the complainant, or both.
  • Ubuntu can collect anonymous information that helps developers improve it. All information collected is covered by our privacy policy.
  • There should be a single exchange platform for all information collected in accordance with this directive.
  • the results of all studies performed and details of all information collected in compliance with an agreed paediatric investigation plan;
  • All information collected during the investigation shall be examined by the joint Transparency Register Secretariat.


  • All data collected
  • All information gathered

all the information collected

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to a specific set of information that has been gathered.


  • All the information collected from the survey will be presented in the report.
  • It is also the intention of the Netherlands authorities to create a database containing all the information collected through the use of these cameras.
  • All the information collected so far on Eva Braga.
  • Something is said in the gaps between all the information that's collected.
  • The Commission will continue its own monitoring efforts with the help of the industry and will collate and evaluate all the information and evidence collected, in line with the Council's conclusion.
  • All the information exchanged and collected will be shared by EU Member States and, of course, when appropriate, with the countries of the Western Balkans.
  • Notification of the data subject of the communication of all or part of the information collected on him shall take place in accordance with the national law of the requested Member State.
  • This finding is a result of all the information and data collected throughout the proceeding and was disclosed as soon as the final determination was made, i.e. at the time when the definitive disclosure was made.
  • The investigation, concluded in 2000, took all the information on recorded accidents and information collected from the competent authorities in the Member States into account.
  • The information collected through the screening is essential for the sound management of the exemption system.
  • Evermore extended use is being made, officially and unofficially, of the information collected.
  • The information collected should be transferred to the authority competent for appropriate monitoring in order to enhance aviation safety.
  • Its work entails the independent verification and analysis of the information collected to derive BAT conclusions.
  • EBA may elaborate guidelines to facilitate the implementation of this paragraph and ensure the consistency of the information collected.
  • In order to reach an objective comparison, the information collected by the Centre needs to be comparable and compatible.
  • Concerning importers, the information collected is largely used in the Union interest assessment.
  • Usually the information collected is treated as one time step in a long term monitoring programme.
  • Furthermore, the information collected did not point to direct competition and interchangeability between the two products.
  • The information collected in the consultation process has been integrated into the impact assessment.
  • Is the information collected by direct reporting or calculated by residual.
  • The table below compiles the information collected.


  • All of the collected information
  • All the data gathered

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