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Advance thinking vs Advanced thinking

A complete search of the internet has found that "Advanced thinking" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: June 03, 2020 • 237 views

Advance thinking

532,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • "And there is more advance thinking in it than before."
  • If only we could advance the thinking of the doctors.
  • Thanks in advance for thinking of us.
  • As I said, we will by the end of the year be presenting a communication that will be an advance on previous thinking.
  • He wanted to know in advance what people were thinking and planning.
  • Giovanni, desperate from the abandonment of his wife, ends up accepting the secret proposal of the Bausettis and accepts some money in advance, thinking about the proposition for the next week.
  • In particular, has recent experience in Japan and a rather different one in North Africa helped to advance Commission thinking on whether we need an EU rapid reaction mechanism for humanitarian disaster and reconstruction aid?
  • With advance planning and creative thinking you can be confident you will know how to handle this situation should the opportunity present itself.We all have had the juncture when we run into someone that we have really wanted to meet.
  • We started our deburring tool business with seed-oriented thinking to advance the idea of "Wouldn't it be a unique product if we could make a brush from our unique ceramic stone?"
  • He's thinking about giving back that advance.
  • Advances in microscopy also had a profound impact on biological thinking.
  • Galileo made scientific advances, but also indirectly brought about progress in philosophy and other areas of thinking.
  • There is no more control or thinking about things in advance.
  • So, I was thinking, if you could give me a little advance...
  • It's just, right now, I'm not thinking too far in advance.
  • Rastignac is thinking of leaving Delphine for the Marquise d'Espard, who has the sort of power that will help him to advance.
  • He said that Sub Pop loved Complicated, and they're thinking of giving us a small advance so we can record two more songs.
  • It was possible for those thinking of travelling to a protest to get quite detailed local information in advance through web sites and email lists.
  • His thinking has been in advance in this area for such a long time.
  • Of course, many kids can't plan that far in advance but just starting them thinking can be helpful.

Advanced thinking

More popular!

810,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Congratulations, sir, on your advanced thinking.
  • It's an extremely advanced thinking algorithm.
  • All right, we aren't from the developed world, this advanced thinking hasn't reached us yet, and we would like to catch up with the civilized world.
  • When the history of the development of social policy and employment policy comes to be written subsequent to my leaving the Commission, the period 1993-1999 will be recorded as quite a remarkable period for change, for advanced thinking and for Treaty change support.
  • Wise brought advanced thinking by paving the streets of Altoona, building a sewer system that was advanced for its time and allowed for future expansion.
  • I can't figure out how you can be doing advanced theoretical thinking like that and still be stuck in our little town.
  • He's showing signs of accelerated motor control, as well as heightened spatial recognition and advanced logical thinking.
  • Sam Mussabini is the finest, most advanced clearest-thinking athletics coach in the country.
  • And so this behavior is all about quickly getting something into the real world, and having your thinking advanced as a result.
  • Also it has advanced new concepts of thinking research and their applications in business settings.
  • As the 1880s advanced, her thinking became even more radical, affecting first her religious beliefs and then her views on life in society in general.
  • At Taltos we have the same mission: culture and tradition of natural stone combined with advanced technologies and forward thinking making stone easier to work with.
  • Positive Thinking Positive Thinking Advanced Information Over the last decade or so a host of best-selling books have urged people to take a "positive" attitude to life.
  • DISCOVER THE MACHINE GEMINI RANGE Forward-thinking technology and design The Gemini range of machines dedicated to professional use combine advanced technology with forward-thinking design.
  • It is not without reason that the most advanced constitutional legal thinking holds that the principle 'no powers without rights' is such an important rule of modern constitutionality that it may be placed alongside the historic principle 'no taxation without representation'.
  • I was just thinking about the advanced cooking classes that Buckner has.
  • But the thinking has changed since medicine and science has advanced.
  • And as you're thinking of the consequences of that, then we've been playing with stuff that's a little bit more advanced, like art.
  • Well, I think despite all the progress in new thinking, we are less advanced in other ways.
  • With advanced applications in autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars, Accuride offers a solution which is both forward-thinking and futureproof.

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