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Actividad habitual vs Actividad común

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Actividad habitual' refers to a habitual or routine activity that someone does regularly, while 'actividad común' refers to a common or ordinary activity that many people engage in. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the intended meaning.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 755 views

Actividad habitual

This phrase is correct and commonly used in Spanish to refer to a habitual or routine activity that someone does regularly.

This phrase is used to describe activities that are part of someone's regular routine or habits.


  • Hacer ejercicio es una actividad habitual para ella.
  • Leer antes de dormir es una actividad habitual que me relaja.
  • Ir al trabajo en bicicleta es una actividad habitual para él.
  • According to Valencian development law (Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanística or LRAU), technical alternatives to an integrated development project can only be submitted in the 20 days following its publication in the Official Journal.
  • Habitual lateness most often manifests in people with control issues.
  • I also recognize that there is an argument against habitual breakers of speed limits or habitual drunkards behind the wheel of a vehicle.
  • See, your basic knot-tying is a habitual exercise.
  • It could be a subconscious habitual slip-up.
  • Your habitual response patterns don't work.
  • English law may be elected if a UK national has his/her habitual residence in Germany...
  • (12a) In certain cases, determining the deceased's habitual residence may prove complex.
  • I contracted it through years of habitual smoking.
  • Mr Turner is an habitual offender.
  • He is cunning, an habitual law-breaker.
  • And heres this programs habitual host,...
  • Mr Murphy, you are a habitual thief, devoid of remorse.
  • The habitual clash between public and private schools.
  • The term "habitual residence" should be interpreted in accordance with the purposes of this Regulation.
  • In certain cases, determining the deceased's habitual residence may prove complex.
  • Subject: Habitual residence condition in Ireland
  • It can only be seen as a habitual practice that has become a performance business.
  • Subject: Habitual residence condition in Ireland
  • Like the Rome II proposal, Article 18 contains a definition of "habitual residence", in particular for legal persons.


  • rutina diaria
  • costumbre regular
  • actividad rutinaria
  • práctica habitual
  • hábito frecuente

Actividad común

This phrase is correct and commonly used in Spanish to refer to a common or ordinary activity that many people engage in.

This phrase is used to describe activities that are common or ordinary, without implying they are part of someone's routine.


  • Caminar por el parque es una actividad común en esta ciudad.
  • Ver televisión es una actividad común entre los jóvenes.
  • Comer pizza los viernes es una actividad común en nuestra familia.
  • According to Valencian development law (Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanística or LRAU), technical alternatives to an integrated development project can only be submitted in the 20 days following its publication in the Official Journal.
  • Is the Commission aware that the Valencia regional authorities apply the Land Use Plans Implementation Law (Ley reguladora de la actividad urbanística - LRAU), under which it is possible to expropriate property owners in the public interest?
  • having regard to its resolution adopted on 13 December 2005 on the alleged abuse of the Valencian Land Law or Ley Reguladora de la Actividad Urbanistica (LRAU - law on development activities) and its effect on European citizens,
  • They are not la gente comun, the real people.
  • We are here to investigate the financial affairs of the Buró de Represión de las Actividades Comunistas.
  • According to the information submitted by the Spanish authorities, Measure 5 was granted under the existing aid scheme Actividades del Centro para el Desarrollo Industrial - CDTI - Desarrollo Tecnológico.
  • According to the information submitted by the Spanish authorities, Measure 5 was granted under the existing aid scheme 'Actividades del Centro para el Desarrollo Industrial - CDTI - Desarrollo Tecnológico' [19].
  • The Spanish authorities have provided evidence that Measure 5 was granted under the existing aid scheme 'Actividades del Centro para el Desarrollo Industrial - CDTI - Desarrollo Tecnológico'.
  • Last night I teared up at an Activia commercial.
  • There's an Activia in my fridge I've had a longer relationship with.
  • Subject: Zona de Actividades Logísticas e Industriales de Asturias (ZALIA)
  • Aid for subcontracting innovation activities (Ayudas para la subcontratación de actividades de innovación)
  • (b) impuesto sobre actividades economicas (solely as regards the amount of the levies charged for motor vehicles),
  • Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid: "Aid for subcontracting innovation activities" ("Ayudas para la subcontratación de actividades de innovación")
  • And just about the time that I'm comin' out of jail... hopefully you'll be comin' out of your coma.
  • I feel a case comin' on, and it's comin' hard.
  • The call's comin' up as if it's comin' from 300 different cell phone numbers in Virginia.
  • - He's comin' to Flint? - Yes he's comin' to Flint.
  • Uncle Jim's right about Nancy comin' after him.
  • Is the Commission aware that the Valencia regional authorities apply the Land Use Plans Implementation Law (Ley reguladora de la actividad urbanística - LRAU), under which it is possible to expropriate property owners in the public interest?


  • actividad ordinaria
  • actividad frecuente
  • práctica común
  • costumbre generalizada
  • acción habitual

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