A variety of or variety of?

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A variety of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize the presence of multiple different types or kinds of something.

Use 'a variety of' when you want to highlight the diversity or range of options available. It is often followed by a plural noun.


  • There is a variety of fruits at the market.
  • She has a variety of interests, including painting and hiking.
  • The store offers a variety of products for different needs.
  • We sampled a variety of dishes at the buffet.
  • The museum has a variety of exhibits on display.


  • an assortment of
  • a selection of
  • a range of
  • a mix of
  • a diversity of

variety of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mention the existence of different types without emphasizing the quantity.

Use 'variety of' when you want to simply state that there are different types or kinds of something. It is often followed by a singular or plural noun.


  • The garden has a variety of flowers.
  • There is a variety of opinions on the topic.
  • She enjoys trying a variety of cuisines.
  • The store sells a variety of products.
  • He has a variety of skills that make him a valuable team member.


  • different types of
  • diversity of
  • assortment of
  • range of
  • mix of
Both 'a variety of' and 'variety of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'A variety of' is used when you want to emphasize the presence of multiple different types or kinds of something, while 'variety of' is used when you want to mention the existence of different types without emphasizing the quantity.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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