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a large enough control vs large enough control

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "A large enough control" is used when referring to a specific control that needs to be of a certain size, while "large enough control" is used more generally to describe a control that is sufficiently large.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 869 views

a large enough control

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific control that needs to be of a certain size.

This phrase is used when emphasizing the size requirement of a particular control in a specific context.


  • We need to ensure we have a large enough control group for the experiment.
  • It's important to have a large enough control sample to draw accurate conclusions.
  • May 2, 2006 ... For a large enough control parameter, a single logistic map exhibits an inverse bifurcation cascade between regimes of banded chaos.
  • We are interested on the controllability problem: given a large enough control time, what are the initial conditions we can drive to the equilibrium by means of, ...
  • We are interested on the controllability problem: Given a large enough control time, what are the initial conditions we can drive to the equilibrium by means of, ...
  • with a linear system. Therefore, if the pilot gain was high, as during formation flight, which minimizes ee, a large enough control input could indeed trigger a PI0 .


  • an adequately large control
  • a sufficiently large control

large enough control

This phrase is correct and commonly used in a more general sense to describe a control that is sufficiently large.

This phrase is used to indicate that a control is of a suitable size without specifying a particular context or requirement.


  • Make sure you have a large enough control in place to manage the situation.
  • The system needs a large enough control to handle the increased load.
  • large enough control interval that encompasses the slowest system. However, this may lead to an overall slow response, and it also ignores the dynamics of the  ...
  • Nov 8, 2013 ... ... should be able to command any fixed wing airplane to hover as long as the airplane has enough power and large enough control surfaces.
  • Under mild hypotheses on the noise introduced by the control communication channel and large enough control authority, we construct a control policy that ...
  • A: is large enough, control commands can exceed any established limit. The main objective of this study is to determine the regionts) of stable and satisfactory  ...


  • sufficiently large control
  • adequately large control

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