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a large amount of vs a great amount

Both 'a large amount of' and 'a great amount' are correct phrases in English, but 'a large amount of' is more commonly used and considered more formal. 'A great amount' is less common and may sound slightly old-fashioned or poetic.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 942 views

a large amount of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe a significant quantity or volume of something. It is more formal and widely accepted in both spoken and written English.
  • They found a large amount of Roophyilin in your system.
  • As a consequence of these characteristics, a large amount of information is available on their physiology and pathology.
  • That facility is storing a large amount of something at the temperature we were tracking.
  • the aforementioned Regulations contained a large amount of technical detail which required frequent amendment;
  • Since then, the Commission has gathered a large amount of evidence and held many talks with printer manufacturers and reconditioned cartridge suppliers.
  • Madison was trying to buy a large amount of a new experimental explosive called Binetex.
  • He expelled a large amount of xenoplasm and then died.
  • Yes, I'm experiencing a large amount of ontological despair.
  • Agenerase oral solution contains a large amount of propylene glycol (see section 4.4).
  • He extorted a large amount of money from her.
  • He extorted a large amount of money from her.
  • Many of which have been responsible for a large amount of illegal guns finding their way into the hands of criminals.
  • JP, it's a large amount of water and the heating element is extremely small.
  • Can they carry a large amount of liquid waste?
  • So when the engines blew, zour family would've inhaled a large amount of trilsettum - in the fire.
  • In addition, a large amount of O2 was burned in the fire.
  • He drank a large amount of Tokay, I remember, and sat on his hat.
  • While there are a large amount of tax changes occurring, which makes forecasting difficult, the programme's tax estimates appear cautious.
  • It has also enabled a large amount of scientific research to be carried out.
  • It argued that a large amount of information was provided by the government of the PRC in this investigation.


  • a substantial amount of
  • a considerable amount of
  • a significant amount of
  • a copious amount of
  • a vast amount of

a great amount

This phrase is correct but less common in modern English.

This phrase is also used to describe a large quantity or volume of something, but it may sound slightly old-fashioned or poetic. It is less frequently used compared to 'a large amount of.'
  • Agriculture consumes a great amount of water.
  • It takes your attention; it has a great amount of emotion; it stares back at you the way that a figure might.
  • Because it knows that it would lose a great amount of its customers... if people lose their fear to the Great Beyond
  • If you are able to offer a budget line with a great amount of additional money, please do, but I do not see that happening.
  • Great talent needs a great amount of care.
  • That is a great amount of money, mademoiselle.
  • In any case, it requires a great amount of courage and ability to sentence acquittal verdicts.
  • This unsub displays a great amount of anger, stabs his victims repeatedly, even after they're dead.
  • We've had a great amount of success with it so far.
  • We have seen that recently a great amount of progress has been made in this area, not least due to the efforts of the Commission.
  • As Mr ALEXANDER stated in WS "many investors and consumers, when they lose money, it may not be in absolute terms a great amount as far as going and getting a lawyer involved".
  • Thirdly, we support, and there is a great amount of support, that a dangerous ship should not simply be detained and then allowed to return to sea.
  • A great amount of uncertainty remains concerning the development of economic regime in Russia.
  • A great amount of money he/she comes for itself, arrival of Dallas.
  • As little research has been carried out in this field to date, a great amount of innovative potential exists.
  • In the face of financial collapse across the world, political and religious wars raging tirelessly and an ever-growing feeling of being lost and void of meaning there's a great amount of energy being pushed to the surface of the collective mind.
  • That's why there's not a great amount of blood.
  • A bow May function in a simple mechanism, but in order to make a good bow, a great amount of sensitivity is required.
  • Even if someone is prepared to pay for the equipment - which does not cost a great amount, but costs approximately the same as a PC - it is not practically possible.
  • He said he has a great amount of affection for her.


  • a large amount of
  • a substantial amount of
  • a considerable amount of
  • a significant amount of
  • a copious amount of

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