a few years ago or few years ago?

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a few years ago

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate an indefinite small number of years in the past.

This phrase is used to refer to a vague or unspecified number of years in the past. It implies a non-specific time frame.


  • A few years ago, I visited Paris for the first time.
  • She started learning Spanish a few years ago.
  • A few years ago, we used to go hiking every weekend.
  • I read that book a few years ago.
  • A few years ago, I was still in college.


  • Several years ago
  • Some years ago
  • A couple of years ago
  • A handful of years ago
  • A small number of years ago

few years ago

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a specific, limited number of years in the past.

This phrase is used to refer to a small and specific number of years in the past. It implies a more defined time frame.


  • Few years ago, I used to live in New York.
  • He joined the company few years ago.
  • Few years ago, we went on a road trip together.
  • I met her few years ago at a conference.
  • Few years ago, I was working as a teacher.


  • Several years ago
  • Some years ago
  • A couple of years ago
  • A handful of years ago
  • A small number of years ago
Both "a few years ago" and "few years ago" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "A few years ago" is used to indicate a small, indefinite number of years in the past, while "few years ago" implies a more specific, limited number of years in the past.

Last updated: March 25, 2024

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