Which is correct:
"a correlation exists between " or "a correlation exists"?

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a correlation exists between

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to specify the relationship between two or more elements.

This phrase is used when you want to indicate the specific elements between which a correlation exists. It helps to clarify the relationship being discussed.


  • A correlation exists between smoking and lung cancer.
  • There is a correlation between diet and health outcomes.
  • Researchers found a correlation exists between exercise and mental health.
  • A correlation exists between study habits and academic performance.
  • The study revealed a correlation exists between income level and access to healthcare.


  • There is a correlation between
  • A correlation exists with
  • A correlation can be seen between
  • A correlation can be found between
  • A correlation can be observed between

a correlation exists

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the presence of a correlation without specifying the elements involved.

This phrase is used when you want to make a general statement about the existence of a correlation without providing specific details about the elements that are correlated.


  • In the data analysis, a correlation exists between the two variables.
  • The study concluded that a correlation exists between rainfall and crop yield.
  • Researchers have shown that a correlation exists between social media use and feelings of loneliness.
  • A correlation exists in the data, but further investigation is needed to understand its implications.
  • The report suggests that a correlation exists between employee satisfaction and productivity.


  • There is a correlation
  • A correlation can be observed
  • A correlation can be found
  • A correlation can be seen
  • A correlation is present
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "A correlation exists between" is used when you want to specify the relationship between two or more things, while "a correlation exists" is a more general statement indicating the presence of a correlation without specifying the elements involved.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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