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20 peoples vs 20 people

The correct phrase is '20 people'. 'People' is the plural form of 'person', so when referring to a specific number of individuals, we use 'people' without an 's'. '20 peoples' is not correct in English.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 3640 views

20 peoples

'20 peoples' is not correct in English.

The correct form is '20 people' when referring to a specific number of individuals.
  • 73, 8.27. Direct Download. ALTERATIVE UK DOWNLOAD LINK: Street Fighter V (20 Peoples). Share what you think of Street Fighter V (20 Peoples): ...
  • Jun 17, 2010 ... Street Fighter V (20 Peoples) - Balrog. TwentyEight. SubscribeSubscribed Unsubscribe 52. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading.
  • Jan 5, 2015 ... Riz Plays - STREET FIGHTER V 20 PEOPLES!1 ( Bootleg NES ). RizkitsunΣki | Speedpainting, Vlogs & Games. SubscribeSubscribed ...
  • Street Fighter V (20 peoples) (also known as Fighter V) - Only contains the fighters from Street Fighter IV Pro 10. The stages are completely new and all the ...

20 people

'20 people' is the correct form in English.

Use '20 people' when specifying a number of individuals.
  • 23 hours ago ... Here's a look at 20 people who just don't GAF. I'd almost admire them if I wasn't so annoyed by their blatant jerkiness. people being jerks
  • 20 People Having a Worse Week Than You. Share. Tweet. #funny #fails #work # accidents #business. 1. Assistant Manager. Assistant Manager. This is a step up  ...
  • The 20 People You Always See at Festivals. By Gregory Lamb -. Mar 26, 2015. SHARE. Facebook · Twitter. If you've been to more than a few festivals in your ...
  • When you put 20 people in a room, however, the thing that changes is the fact that each of the 20 people is now asking each of the other 19 people about their ...

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