Which is correct:
"- Affect project going-life date" or "- Affect project going life date"?

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- Affect project going-life date

164,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • These downward adjustments do not affect projects in connection with regions bordering on the candidate countries.
  • There are currently no elements of policy coordination between the countries in Euro 11 which naturally affect or should affect their behaviour in Ecofin.
  • Tax increases adversely affect domestic demand and adversely affect the economy.
  • The budget restrictions which affect all the European institutions also affect OLAF.
  • Something that affects the Kanima affects its master.
  • Circumcision doesn't affect impotency one way or another.
  • Naturally the war affects the herring industry.
  • The treatment for my spine affects my DNA.
  • Dead things cannot affect the living.
  • It affects the nerves in the brain...
  • That affects sleep, appetite, digestion, reflexes.
  • Our relationship did affect my judgment.
  • Some licence agreements may affect innovation markets.
  • Poverty affects women more than men.
  • Sponsorship should not adversely affect or influence minors.
  • Which will affect you gentlemen as majority shareholders.
  • Tomorrow's launch will affect thousands.
  • These undergoing economic and social changes affect women.
  • The conservation measures must therefore affect everybody.
  • The blood cancer that affects children.

- Affect project going life date

More popular!

217,000,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • These downward adjustments do not affect projects in connection with regions bordering on the candidate countries.
  • We have some difficult projects going on.
  • There was obviously some sort of secret project going on here.
  • I also have an archaeological project going on in Egypt.
  • How's the school project going?
  • So we need clear yardsticks and data on who pays what and when, and the Community must make a serious effort to get this whole project going.
  • We are more successful in keeping our software projects going, particularly as far as institution-building and reform are concerned.
  • But I have another project going, so that's the best I can offer you.
  • How's our little project going?
  • It's such a project going to the beach.
  • There's a project going on at UC Davis where people are using probiotics to try and treat, prevent, necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants.
  • We got a little - little project going on here.
  • The Fabias got a new colored housing project going up right across the street.
  • How's the Claire Witch Project going?
  • These particles can be produced from the oxidation of Sulphur Dioxide or also sea salt particles at low altitudes - there are various projects going on.
  • How's the project going with Vicki?
  • The Fabias got a new colored housing project going up right across the street.
  • I wanted to get this project going for my brother and he was into it.
  • Anyway, how's the sales doubling project going?
  • We're going life... to Rudy's first mission.
A complete search of the internet has found that "- Affect project going life date" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: September 05, 2018

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