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Sorry for my late reply vs Sorry for the late reply

Both phrases are correct, but "sorry for my late reply" is more commonly used. The inclusion of "my" in the first phrase adds a personal touch and is more specific.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 4606 views

Sorry for my late reply

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to apologize for responding late to a message or communication. It shows consideration and politeness.


  • I'm sorry for my late reply. I was caught up with work.
  • Sorry for my late reply. I just saw your message.
  • Please accept my apologies for my late reply.
  • I apologize for my late reply. Thank you for your patience.
  • Sorry for my late reply. I appreciate your understanding.
  • Feb 12, 2019 - Sorry for my late reply! Is this ok?? ②→http://anitora24.tumblr.com/post/143633998342/
  • Sep 9, 2021 ... Sorry for my late reply. 08/12/2020, 18:38. Sorry I never replied to this. Thu, Dec 10 2020, 07:58. Sorry I missed your call last night.
  • "Sorry for my late reply" sounds more natural, although both are OK.
  • May 23, 2016 ... "Sorry for my late reply." "Sorry for late reply." "Sorry for a late reply." "Sorry for the late reply." What's the difference? See a ...


  • sorry for the late reply
  • apologies for my late reply
  • my apologies for the late response
  • I'm sorry for the delay in responding
  • please forgive my delayed response

Sorry for the late reply

This phrase is correct but less commonly used compared to the first one.

This phrase is also used to apologize for responding late to a message or communication. It conveys the same message of regret for the delay.


  • I want to apologize for the late reply.
  • Sorry for the late reply. I was occupied with other tasks.
  • Please excuse the late reply.
  • My apologies for the late response.
  • Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
  • Sorry for the late reply.」の部分一致の例文検索結果. 該当件数 : 27件. I am sorry for the late reply. 返信が遅くなりすみません。 - Weblio Email例文集. Sorry for the late reply. 返事が遅くなってすみません。 - Weblio Email例文集. I'm sorry for the late  ...
  • Apr 6, 2013 ... I had applied for a job position, for which the interviewer replied me back after a couple of days. However, he started his email with 'Sorry for the late reply'. Now to revert him back with a response, I want to know what can I say ...
  • 2006年8月20日 ... つまり、late遅れてしまったreply返事に対してI'm sorryというフィーリングを出したい時に 使う表現と言うことです。 >(2)逆に「返事が遅くなってごめんなさい」と英語で普通に 言うのは何といったらよいのでしょうか? Sorry for the late reply.
  • Sorry for the late reply. Discussion in 'French-English Vocabulary / Vocabulaire Français-Anglais' started by ezzers, Jul 4, 2008. Previous Thread Next Thread. Loading... ezzers Junior Member. Spanish. hi, I'm not too sure about the bold part  ...


  • sorry for my late reply
  • apologies for my late reply
  • my apologies for the late response
  • I'm sorry for the delay in responding
  • please forgive my delayed response

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