Which is correct:
"warmly welcome" or "warm welcome"?

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warmly welcome

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the enthusiastic and friendly manner in which someone is welcomed.

This phrase is used to emphasize a warm, friendly, and enthusiastic reception given to someone. It describes the manner in which the welcome is extended.


  • We warmly welcome all our guests to the event.
  • The team warmly welcomed the new member with open arms.
  • The community warmly welcomed the visiting dignitaries.
  • The school warmly welcomes parents to participate in school activities.
  • The company warmly welcomes feedback from customers.


  • cordially welcome
  • enthusiastically welcome
  • heartily welcome
  • warmly greet
  • warmly receive

warm welcome

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe a friendly and hospitable greeting or reception.

This phrase is used to describe the reception itself, indicating a friendly and hospitable greeting given to someone.


  • The visitors received a warm welcome at the hotel.
  • She extended a warm welcome to all the attendees.
  • The warm welcome from the locals made us feel at home.
  • The warm welcome of the host family touched our hearts.
  • The warm welcome helped ease the newcomer's nerves.


  • friendly reception
  • hospitable greeting
  • cordial welcome
  • heartfelt reception
  • warm reception
Both 'warmly welcome' and 'warm welcome' are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Warmly welcome' is used to describe the manner in which someone is welcomed, emphasizing a friendly and enthusiastic reception. 'Warm welcome' is used to describe the reception itself, indicating a friendly and hospitable greeting.

Last updated: April 10, 2024

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