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The present paper vs This paper

Both 'the present paper' and 'this paper' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'The present paper' is more formal and is often used in academic or professional writing to refer to the specific paper being discussed. 'This paper' is more commonly used in everyday language and is more casual.

Last updated: April 05, 2024 • 483 views

The present paper

This phrase is correct and commonly used in academic or professional writing to refer to the specific paper being discussed.

This phrase is more formal and is often used to introduce or discuss a paper in academic or professional contexts.


  • The present paper aims to investigate the effects of climate change on biodiversity.
  • In the present paper, we propose a new method for data analysis.
  • The findings of the present paper suggest a need for further research in this area.
  • The present paper is a further development and refinement of the ideas presented there.
  • In the present paper the results of milk quality and seasonal milk production were investigated.
  • The difference between the present paper and the one originally read rests upon what I believe is a significant improvement in my presentation of my understanding of transference since the time of the original paper.
  • The present paper summarizes the evidence and conclusions of my own seven-year geographical study on the worldwide, regional variation in human behavior, and related socio-environmental factors, a study which constituted my doctoral dissertation (DeMeo 1985, 1986, 1987).
  • The present paper then develops its own position regarding the liability of arbitrators, which takes into account both the contractual approach and the approach that takes its bearings from the "judicial function" of arbitrators.
  • In the present paper, I wish to look in some closer detail at these interpersonal processes that occur between carers and those they care for, with particular emphasis on personality disordered people.
  • In the present paper I would like the refer to some of the arguments that this book discusses that I believe are of interest to both student and practicing architects.
  • This, in slightly different terms, is one of the fundamental points of the present paper, namely that the body's handling of the visual information it receives via the brain may in many cases be precognitive.
  • The present paper currency.
  • The present paper reports 3 cases of infection by A. platys occurring in dogs native to Central Italy, considered a non-endemic area to date.
  • The present paper investigates the influence of the two cropping systems and various field crops, including catch crop mixtures, on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi).


  • this study
  • the current paper
  • the paper at hand
  • the paper under consideration
  • the paper in question

This paper

This phrase is correct and commonly used in everyday language to refer to the paper being discussed.

This phrase is more casual and is often used in everyday conversations or informal writing to refer to the paper at hand.


  • This paper presents the results of our research.
  • I found this paper very informative and well-written.
  • Have you read this paper on the impact of social media on society?
  • This paper clearly illustrates the dilemma facing hegemony-critical cultural mediation.
  • This paper was published 1993 in the Proceedings of IEEE International Communications Conference.
  • This paper presents two especially significant aspects of the post-petroleum paradigm, together with an assessment of alternatives to petroleum.
  • This paper reviews the contribution that veterinary medicine can make to poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • This paper was made from 100% recycled materials.
  • This paper isn't even watermarked.
  • This paper is essentially a reprint of Berger's 1964 dissertation at Harvard University.
  • This paper also contains the first suggestion that stars obey a mass-luminosity relationship.
  • This paper develops a nuanced account in which not all courts are the same.
  • This paper has deliberately avoided a discussion of paedobaptism until now.
  • This paper contains discussion about EDAR and other similar genes.
  • This paper demonstrates how to establish an orthotopic immune-competent rat model of pleural malignant mesothelioma.
  • This paper may be accessed for free at our content-based website,, here.
  • This paper is watermarked from 1950.
  • 300 g/m2,100% alpha-cellulose, white, glossy This paper made of pure alpha-cell...
  • This paper is an excellent step forward.
  • This paper will be finalised in the coming weeks.
  • This paper who have nothing inside.
  • This paper describes one of the approaches to genome-wide searches for positive selection.
  • This paper identifies eight hybrid IT essentials to help you transform to digital.


  • the paper
  • the document
  • the article
  • the piece
  • the writing

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