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depend only on vs depend on only

Both "depend only on" and "depend on only" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Depend only on" is more commonly used and emphasizes that the dependency is exclusive, while "depend on only" can be used to emphasize the restriction of the dependency.

Last updated: April 04, 2024 • 544 views

depend only on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to emphasize that the dependency is exclusive and does not involve anything else. It is commonly used in sentences like "I depend only on myself for success."


  • The success of the project depends only on your hard work.
  • She depends only on her family for support.
  • I depend only on my skills to get through tough situations.
  • And if you depend only on your hidden sword, you will not live long.
  • The Commune doesn't depend only on those at the Town Hall, but also on us, on our will to build a world and a future that belong to us.
  • Our having succeeded in the work the Father has given us will depend only on this: union with His Son, a living oneness with Him who is source of our identity.
  • Depend only on us... if we do not succeed we will return to our unhappiness... to our miseries
  • Naturally, success does not depend only on numbers.
  • CHRISTODOULOS: A visit of the Pontiff to Greece doesn't depend only on our good intentions but also on the program and pastoral necessities of the Pope himself.
  • Membership of the kingdom does not depend only on the Word that they will sow in the hearts, but from the nature of the heart.
  • He taught that defense of a city does not depend only on fortification, weaponry and food supply; it is also important to keep talented people close by and to put trust in them.
  • In this view autonomy means that social life does not depend only on the disciplinary regulation imposed by economic power, but also depends on the internal displacement, shiftings, settlings and dissolutions that are the process of the self-composition of living society.
  • The fulfilment of our marriage doesn't depend only on our good faith; the success of our company doesn't depend only on our commitment.
  • Movements depend only on the user, so it must have greater concentration.
  • Don't depend only on the court.
  • Transits depend only on where you are born (because this influences your Ascendant and houses).
  • Periodontal diseases treatment does not depend only on experience and qualification of the dentist.
  • This will depend only on you, dear Scorpio: in 2018, you will be the one to track down your path.
  • According to this view, all non-rotating stars, in any form, quit as a perfect spherical body and its size would depend only on its mass.
  • Or just simply take a gray or blue pullover, whether it is made of cotton or cashmere depend only on the season.
  • Once again, Our Blessed Mother helps us understand how happiness does not depend only on "pleasant" life's events can be reason for joy.
  • The incentive for a government to reform does not depend only on the suitability of the performance indicators.
  • The vowels are not an absolute datum, and don't depend only on the language.


  • rely solely on
  • count exclusively on
  • trust entirely in
  • lean solely on

depend on only

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase can be used to emphasize the restriction of the dependency. It is less common but still grammatically correct.


  • I can depend on only one person to help me with this task.
  • The company depends on only a few key clients for its revenue.
  • These sites by no means forget to assess the Gynecomastia treatment that work to ensure that it turns into simple for men to depend on only the legitimate products.
  • Generally, you will need to look for the shared libraries that Linux binaries depend on only the first few times that you install a Linux program on your FreeBSD system.
  • While contributors were not opposed to this idea, they asked not to depend on only valid signatures from Debian developers.Shared Library Package Naming.
  • The efficiency depends only on qC/qH.
  • She can only depend on you.
  • For me I can only depend on money.
  • Any observer can make measurements and the precise numerical quantities obtained only depend on the coordinate system used.
  • Note that ellipticity only depends on the highest-order terms.
  • You can only depend on yourself.
  • The international organization of Eurologos doesn't only depend on a drive for marketing power.
  • The poor can only depend on each other.
  • Actual acceptance should only depend on the perceived business case for the merchants.
  • The resources activated by the driver not only depend on personal factors but may also vary according to his/her motivation and state.
  • VRT should only depend on the costs of the measures.
  • Your koji builds can only depend on packages that are actually in the TARGET distribution repository.
  • But the success of an international event does not only depend on the perfection of interpretation services.
  • It only depends on the heat transfer through the material.
  • Soe song s will sound nicer than others and this only depends on subjective opinions.
  • In these rooms, the reverberation time does not only depend on absorption.
  • Energy-intensive users point out that the classification of a measure as aid depends only on the circumstances existing at the time of its adoption, and cannot depend on future events, particularly when they are not reasonably predictable.


  • rely on just
  • count on solely
  • trust in only
  • lean on exclusively

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