Which is correct:
"skip class" or "skip the classes"?

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skip class

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to missing a single class or a specific class.

This phrase is used when talking about not attending a particular class or missing a single class. It is commonly used in informal contexts.


  • I decided to skip class and go to the beach instead.
  • She always skips class on Fridays.
  • If you skip class, you'll miss important information.
  • He regrets skipping class last week.
  • Skipping class is not a good idea.


  • miss class
  • skip a class
  • skip a lesson
  • skip a lecture
  • skip school

skip the classes

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to missing multiple classes or all classes in general.

This phrase is used when talking about not attending multiple classes or all classes in general. It is also commonly used in informal contexts.


  • I can't believe he's planning to skip the classes for the entire week.
  • Skipping the classes will put you behind in your studies.
  • She decided to skip the classes and travel instead.
  • If you skip the classes, you'll have a lot of catching up to do.
  • Skipping the classes is not a good idea if you want to pass the course.


  • miss the classes
  • skip all the classes
  • skip every class
  • skip every lesson
  • skip all the lectures
Both 'skip class' and 'skip the classes' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Skip class' is used when referring to missing a single class or a specific class, while 'skip the classes' is used when talking about missing multiple classes or all classes in general.

Last updated: April 03, 2024

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