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how it is now vs how it is today

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'How it is now' is used to inquire about the current state or condition of something, while 'how it is today' is used to ask about the current situation specifically on the present day.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 2211 views

how it is now

This phrase is correct and commonly used to inquire about the current state or condition of something.

This phrase is used to ask about the current situation or condition of something at the present moment.


  • Can you tell me how it is now with the project?
  • I wonder how it is now with the new regulations.
  • I see how it is now.
  • Okay. I see how it is now.
  • So that's how it is now?
  • Is that how it is now, ricky ricardo?
  • That's how it is now.
  • You know how it is now.
  • I hate to say it, but that's just how it is now.
  • It has been shown how it is now possible to probe dynamical processes occurring in molecular and nanostructured materials with an unprecedented time-space (femtosecond-nanometer) resolution.
  • That's how it is now.
  • He says he loves his life exactly how it is now.
  • And if you insist on me proving it to you, I'll just have to go over there and tell Reggie how it is now.
  • I like it how it is now!
  • So that's how it is now, right?
  • How it used to be, how it is now and how it could be in the future.
  • This is how it is now."
  • That is how it was and that is how it is now.
  • So - so, t-that's how it is now, right?
  • I don't know how it is now.
  • That's how it is now.
  • So this is how it is now?


  • how is it now
  • what is the current status
  • what is the current situation

how it is today

This phrase is correct and commonly used to ask about the current situation specifically on the present day.

This phrase is used to inquire about the current situation or condition of something on the specific day being referred to.


  • Can you update me on how it is today with the weather?
  • I'm curious about how it is today with the stock market.
  • So when we look at the sky we don't see how it is today, but a kind of newsreel of the past that shows the lights from a time long gone.
  • You know how it is today and you go a well, tomorrow and not the good.
  • And this way, "Creation went on for centuries and centuries and centuries, until it got to how it is today".
  • Look how beautiful it is today.
  • Mr President, I must say first of all how much I appreciate Mr Howitt's report and sadly how topical it is today.
  • That is how it is used today.
  • In 1920 trademarked his logo how it is known today.
  • That is how it is done today in the governing classes of Mexico, while local, regional, and national realities are falling apart.
  • Can you tell me about how large it is today, and in how many countries?
  • Consider how important it is today to invest in the quality of knowledge, in the quality of innovation, in technological research and immaterial infrastructure.
  • Twenty years had passed since the invention of the pile! We can repeat this experiment and show how easy it is today to reproduce this extraordinary fact:
  • You know how it is with kids today.
  • The numbers are pretty scary but this is how it looks today.
  • This is how it looks today; all traffic jam.
  • If it is both a shared resource and a scarce resource, we need to understand how it is utilised today; in other words, we must carry out an in-depth study of all the stakeholders in the spectrum, including the civil security and military services.
  • On reading the documentation relating to this procedure as a whole, on how it developed and how it is concluded today, I find a vagueness in many chapters and recitals, as well as in many expressions that are or will be binding on this subject.
  • Stine Mikkelsen's intention here is to create, as she says, "Intriguing elements to push the boundaries of textile design and how it is produced today, but also to capture the attention of the one who looks".
  • Well, I'm not sure I realized exactly how not small it is until today.
  • But when they look at how it is organised and constituted today, they are not impressed with its organisation or its disposition.
  • How much is it worth today?


  • how is it going today
  • what is the current status today
  • what is the situation today

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