Which one is correct?
"rerun" or "re-run"?

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This is a correct and commonly used term in English.

The term "rerun" means to run again or repeat a process. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in TV shows, software programs, or experiments.


  • They decided to rerun the experiment to confirm the results.
  • The TV network will rerun the popular show next week.
  • I need to rerun the software update to fix the issue.
  • Let's rerun the meeting to discuss the new proposal.
  • The coach asked the team to rerun the drill for better performance.


  • re-run
  • run again
  • repeat the process
  • do over
  • conduct a second run


This is a correct term in English, but less commonly used than "rerun".

The term "re-run" also means to run again or repeat a process. It is a valid alternative to "rerun" but is less commonly used in English.


  • The software requires a re-run to apply the latest updates.
  • The TV channel will schedule a re-run of the episode next month.
  • Let's consider a re-run of the experiment to validate the findings.
  • The team decided on a re-run of the race due to technical issues.
  • I think we should do a re-run of the presentation for better clarity.


  • rerun
  • run again
  • repeat the process
  • do over
  • conduct a second run
Both "rerun" and "re-run" are correct, but "rerun" is more commonly used in English. They both mean to run again or repeat a process. The choice between the two forms is a matter of style and personal preference.

Last Updated: April 01, 2024

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