Which is correct:
"commitment to do" or "commitment to doing"?

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commitment to do

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to specific actions or tasks that need to be done.

This phrase is used to express a promise or obligation to perform certain actions or tasks. It indicates a commitment to completing specific activities.


  • She made a commitment to do her homework every day.
  • His commitment to do the project on time was commendable.
  • I have a commitment to do volunteer work this weekend.
  • Their commitment to do better in school was evident.
  • The company's commitment to do quality work is well-known.


  • commitment to complete
  • commitment to fulfill
  • commitment to accomplish
  • commitment to carry out
  • commitment to execute

commitment to doing

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to ongoing or continuous actions or activities.

This phrase is used to express a dedication or promise to engage in continuous or ongoing activities. It indicates a commitment to a process or state of being.


  • She showed her commitment to doing yoga by practicing every day.
  • Their commitment to doing better in their relationship was evident.
  • I have a commitment to doing my best in everything I undertake.
  • His commitment to doing charity work is inspiring.
  • The team's commitment to doing their part was crucial for the project's success.


  • commitment to engaging in
  • commitment to participating in
  • commitment to being involved in
  • commitment to carrying out
  • commitment to pursuing
Both "commitment to do" and "commitment to doing" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Commitment to do" is used when referring to specific actions or tasks that need to be done, while "commitment to doing" is used when referring to ongoing or continuous actions or activities.

Last updated: April 01, 2024

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