Which is correct:
"being in a daze" or "being dazed"?

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being in a daze

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe a state of confusion or disorientation.

This phrase is used to describe a state where someone is confused, disoriented, or unable to think clearly.


  • After the accident, she was in a daze and couldn't remember what had happened.
  • He walked around the unfamiliar city in a daze, trying to make sense of his surroundings.


  • feeling confused
  • feeling disoriented
  • being lost in thought

being dazed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe a state of being stunned or shocked.

This phrase is used to describe a state where someone is stunned, shocked, or temporarily unable to think clearly due to a sudden event or impact.


  • He was dazed by the news of his promotion and couldn't believe it.
  • The boxer was dazed by the powerful punch and struggled to regain his composure.


  • feeling stunned
  • feeling shocked
  • being bewildered
Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Being in a daze' refers to the state of being confused or disoriented, while 'being dazed' specifically means being stunned or shocked. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the intended meaning.

Last updated: March 15, 2024

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