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Have it delivered to the following address vs Have it delivered at the following address

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Have it delivered to the following address' is more commonly used when specifying where something should be delivered, while 'have it delivered at the following address' is less common but still grammatically correct. The preposition 'to' is typically used to indicate the destination of the delivery.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 4848 views

Have it delivered to the following address

This phrase is correct and commonly used when specifying where something should be delivered.

This phrase is used to instruct where a delivery should be sent. The preposition 'to' indicates the destination of the delivery.


  • Please have the package delivered to the following address.
  • I would like to have the furniture delivered to my new house.
  • or delivered by hand to the following address:
  • This should be done by writing to the following address: filippo.pasquet@cec.eu.int.
  • Leave the apartment at exactly 4 p.m... and go to the following address.
  • The report shall be sent to the following address: European Commission - DG AGRI.C. - Animal Products.
  • or go directly to the following address:
  • sent by registered letter or by private courier to the following address:
  • Information about suspected infringements can be supplied to the following address:
  • Search Business, to the following address:
  • or by post, to the following address:
  • The Canadian applicant should send the application to the following address in Canada:
  • Wonderful. Just have it delivered to the house.
  • or hand delivered against receipt to the following address: European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, Unit A1 Secretariat, 28 rue Demot, Office 8/004 (Building DM28), B-1040 Brussels,
  • Tenders must be sent in five copies by registered post with recorded delivery or be delivered by hand against receipt to the following address:
  • For an application to be valid, candidates must write to the following address:
  • You can send standard US cheques to the following address:
  • Comments should be sent to the following address, mentioning the reference COMP/A.39.116/B2 - Coca-Cola:
  • The complete application dossier must be sent by post in triplicate to the following address:
  • Request for permissions to submit on paper shall be sent to the following address:
  • Any such requests should be sent to the following address: Council of the European Union, General Secretariat, Rue de la Loi 175, B-1048 Brussels.
  • Please send any creditors' claims immediately to the following address: Odminiu str. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius, Lithuania.


  • Please deliver it to the following address.
  • Send it to the following address.

Have it delivered at the following address

This phrase is correct but less commonly used. It is still grammatically sound, but 'to' is more commonly used to indicate the destination of the delivery.

This phrase can also be used to specify where a delivery should be sent, but 'at' is less commonly used in this context.


  • I need the package delivered at the following address.
  • The flowers will be delivered at the party venue.
  • See press release at the following address:
  • Outcomes of their visits are available at the following address: .
  • Tenders may be sent by post or messenger or delivered personally to the National Public Transport Agency (Rikstrafiken) at the following address:
  • Ireland (Haulbowline) by e-mail at the following address: or by telephone).
  • See in particular Annex B. Available at the following address:
  • Procedural documents may be lodged by post at the following address:
  • The envelope containing that document must be addressed to the Court Registry at the following address: Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald - L-2925 Luxembourg.
  • These documents can be obtained on the Internet, at the following address:
  • all correspondence shall be sent to the Council at the following address:
  • The draft administrative Regulation can be found at the following address:
  • EuroparlTV is available at the following address:
  • Registered in Luxembourg under number B77616, formerly established at the following address:
  • The list of cultural contact points is available at the following address:
  • All the necessary information about support in the cultural field (including the Culture Programme guide and the applications forms) is available at the following address: .
  • Further information about our support in the field of literary translation within the frame of the Culture programme is available at the following address: .
  • The corruption index can be viewed on TI's website at the following address: .
  • The national action plans are already available at the following address: ().
  • the pensioner named in box 3 living at the following address: ...
  • See the pricing methodology of the Waste Contract, available at the following address:
  • Applications must be sent only by e-mail in Word format to the President of the Committee of the Regions at the following address: recrutement.sg@cor.europa.eu.


  • Please deliver it at the following address.
  • Send it at the following address.

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