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should be attributed to vs can be attributed to

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Should be attributed to' is used when assigning credit or responsibility for something, indicating a strong recommendation or obligation. 'Can be attributed to' is used to suggest a possible cause or reason for something, without implying a strong recommendation or obligation.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 2568 views

should be attributed to

This phrase is correct and commonly used when assigning credit or responsibility for something, indicating a strong recommendation or obligation.

This phrase is used to indicate that credit or responsibility for something must be assigned to a particular person or thing.


  • The success of the project should be attributed to the hard work of the team.
  • The error should be attributed to a lack of communication.
  • The discovery should be attributed to the scientist's dedication.
  • The failure should be attributed to poor planning.
  • The improvement should be attributed to the new technology.
  • Irrespective of whether or not it should be attributed to the Court of Auditors.
  • However, in some cases, manufacturers have notified that registrations should be attributed to another manufacturer.
  • This function should be attributed to an independent person experienced in trade proceedings.
  • Accordingly, it was claimed that no benefit under the ALS should be attributed to the exporter.
  • Moreover, neither France nor the third parties have argued that the measures subject to the formal investigation procedure should be attributed to this department alone.
  • Some interested parties claimed that the decrease in production and sales volume of the Union industry should be attributed to the decreasing consumption.
  • In the latter example, the EESC fails to understand why higher income for self-employed drivers should be attributed to their exclusion from the working time directive.
  • Throughout this process, the crucial role that should be attributed to civil society in developing countries cannot be stressed enough.
  • Therefore, they do not form distinct entities and should be attributed to the local KAU responsible for managing them.
  • The Thai exporting producers further submitted that the injury endured by the Community industry should be attributed to a lack of competitiveness due to allegedly outdated production facilities.
  • It is further confirmed that these costs should be attributed to the prime business activities including salmon farming, thus the claim is rejected.
  • One interested party claimed that the material injury suffered by the Union industry should be attributed to the imports of Turkey and South Korea.
  • Community law leaves it to the Commission to judge whether lack of recovery in a given case should be attributed to negligence by a Member State, and its costs borne by national taxpayers.
  • In both cases, the general rule is that turnover should be attributed to the place where the customer is located.
  • The party claimed that no subsidy margin should be attributed to it which was calculated based on information pertaining to companies which used PTA/MEG as their raw materials.
  • According to Belgium, there is no international consensus on how profit caused by group synergies and/or economies of scale should be attributed to various group entities.
  • One party claimed that the increase of stocks registered by the Union industry should be attributed to a fall in Union consumption, and not to the dumped Chinese imports.
  • One interested party claimed that injury to the Union producers should be attributed to their failure to restructure as the market contraction of 29 % had been met only with a 7 % capacity cut and a 16 % cut in employment.
  • The EESC also considers that the responsibility for ground handling of mobility equipment should be attributed to the air carrier, in order to ensure consistency with the International framework for air carriers liability, as established by the Montreal Convention.
  • Several parties have argued that the real cause of injury suffered by the Union industry should be attributed to the financial crisis, as the main harm to that industry occurred when imports from the countries concerned stabilised.


  • must be attributed to
  • ought to be attributed to
  • is to be attributed to
  • is credited to
  • is owed to

can be attributed to

This phrase is correct and commonly used to suggest a possible cause or reason for something, without implying a strong recommendation or obligation.

This phrase is used to indicate that credit or responsibility for something may possibly be assigned to a particular person or thing.


  • The increase in sales can be attributed to the new marketing strategy.
  • The decline in performance can be attributed to lack of training.
  • The success of the event can be attributed to the hard work of the volunteers.
  • The delay in delivery can be attributed to logistical issues.
  • The improvement in health can be attributed to regular exercise.
  • The temporary fall in 2009 can be attributed to a downturn in the construction market.
  • The success of the FSAP can be attributed to shared political will and the existence of an agreed roadmap of concrete measures.
  • This significant internal dissatisfaction can be attributed to several causes.
  • At the aggregate level, the gap in living standards can be attributed to two factors: two-thirds to the employment rate, which is lower, and one-third to productivity.
  • There was a considerable decrease (from 388 to 297) in the number of new antitrust cases, which can be attributed to recent policy developments.
  • As explained in recital 237 the decline in profitability and of other profit related indicators was not caused by the shrinking market but can be attributed to the continued pressure of dumped Chinese imports.
  • one-sixth of death and disease in children in Europe can be attributed to environmental causes;
  • The increase of average import prices can be attributed to the following factors.
  • Farming has a very high suicide rates, which can be attributed to stress.
  • And as administrative acts are involved, the annual contributions can be attributed to the State.
  • Approximately one third of this can be attributed to 'professional services'.
  • Approximately a third of this amount can be attributed to transnational fraudulent activities.
  • Cause of death can be attributed to non-specific asphyxiation.
  • Some progress can be attributed to the summit.
  • This implies that part of that non-recovered aid can be attributed to AEP too.
  • Performance characteristic means functional quality that can be attributed to an analytical method.
  • The same limited impact can be attributed to Bulgaria.
  • Honey from Galicia thus has several specific characteristics which can be attributed to its natural surroundings.
  • The cause can be attributed to your present economic difficulties.
  • The remaining exports can be attributed to the producers that have not cooperated with the investigation or by pure transhipment practises.


  • may be attributed to
  • might be attributed to
  • could be attributed to
  • is possibly attributed to
  • is potentially attributed to

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