Which one is correct?
"sharing of experience" or "sharing of experiences"?

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sharing of experience

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the act of sharing a single experience.

This phrase is used when talking about the act of sharing a particular experience or a specific event.


  • The documentary captures the emotional journey and the sharing of experience of a cancer survivor.
  • The workshop focused on the sharing of experience of overcoming challenges in the workplace.
  • The mentorship program encourages the sharing of experience between seasoned professionals and newcomers.
  • The storytelling event highlighted the power of the sharing of experience through personal narratives.
  • The therapy session provided a safe space for the sharing of experience of trauma.


  • sharing experience
  • exchanging experience
  • sharing personal experience
  • sharing a particular experience
  • sharing a specific experience

sharing of experiences

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to multiple instances of sharing different experiences.

This phrase is used when talking about the act of sharing various experiences or a collection of different experiences.


  • The workshop encouraged the sharing of experiences among the participants.
  • Traveling to different countries allows for the sharing of experiences with people from diverse cultures.
  • The support group provides a platform for the sharing of experiences related to mental health.
  • The book club promotes the sharing of experiences through discussions about various novels.
  • The team-building exercise aimed to foster the sharing of experiences to enhance collaboration.


  • sharing experiences
  • exchanging experiences
  • sharing personal experiences
  • sharing different experiences
  • sharing diverse experiences
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Sharing of experiences' is used when referring to multiple instances of sharing different experiences, while 'sharing of experience' is used when talking about the act of sharing a single experience.

Last Updated: March 29, 2024

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