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Your consideration and time is highly appreciated. vs Your consideration and time are highly appreciated

Both phrases are correct, but they differ in subject-verb agreement. The first phrase uses 'is' to match the singular subject 'consideration and time,' while the second phrase uses 'are' to match the plural subject. Both are commonly used in English depending on whether you consider the combined subjects as singular or plural.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 2055 views

Your consideration and time is highly appreciated.

This phrase is correct when considering 'consideration and time' as a singular entity.

This phrase is appropriate when treating 'consideration and time' as a singular concept deserving appreciation.
  • The new Special Representative, Staffan de Mistura, has taken on his job with remarkable commitment and is highly appreciated.
  • The consumption of lizard meat has a long tradition in some regions of Spain and Portugal where it is highly appreciated.
  • I would also like to thank Commissioner Dimas, because his presence at such times is always very valuable and highly appreciated.
  • The value of money and goods collected through non-governmental organisations, schools and the Church is not very great but is highly appreciated.
  • He is highly appreciated in Europe.
  • A survey aimed at assessing the benefits and drawbacks of this new policy revealed that teleworking is highly appreciated by both staff and management.
  • Although the previous specification makes no mention of maturing the product it is now common to mature a proportion of the Robiola di Roccaverano production for varying periods and this is highly appreciated by consumers.
  • (laughs) Okay, Mom. Your-your interest in our relationship is highly appreciated, but I'm sure there's other topics we can pursue tonight, so cut it out.
  • It is clear that the traditional rosé is a quality product that is highly appreciated by consumers and associated with the place of origin of this product.
  • This will really be a benchmark for European educational systems, that European Schools give pupils an education which is highly appreciated everywhere.
  • The birds are reared in small flocks on a large number of holdings in Drôme and sent to the cities of the south-east, where their culinary properties are highly appreciated.
  • In this respect, the presence of a New Zealand Education Counsellor in Brussels since February 2006 is highly appreciated by both Participants
  • I thank you in advance for your consideration and understanding.
  • From the experience in 2006, it appears that the initiative of the Commission is highly appreciated by Member States and third countries. It is therefore important that the training efforts are reinforced and that a proper management and execution of a training programme is ensured.
  • It would be highly appreciated if the Ukraine authorities were to consider the possibility of reducing the transitional period.
  • This support has been highly appreciated among those most severely hit by the global financial and economic crisis.
  • Your moral assistance in this effort will be highly appreciated by the President.
  • Moreover, setting a new furnace is highly capital and time consuming and cannot be realized in the short run.
  • But the amendments tabled by the Greens, which one feels are about regional institutions as much as national parliaments, merit your consideration and, in my view, your vote as well.
  • Mr Gorostiaga, your approach is totally out of line with what we in this House defend: freedom of expression, which you do not defend in any of your considerations and even less in your speech this afternoon.


  • your consideration and time is greatly valued.

Your consideration and time are highly appreciated

This phrase is correct when considering 'consideration and time' as separate entities.

This phrase is suitable when emphasizing that 'consideration' and 'time' are both appreciated individually.
  • These efforts are highly appreciated, nonetheless the timeframe for the European Parliament is still demanding.
  • The birds are reared in small flocks on a large number of holdings in Drôme and sent to the cities of the south-east, where their culinary properties are highly appreciated.
  • The visits are highly appreciated and the students think it is particularly interesting and exciting to see the actual buildings and rooms where the meetings reported in the press take place.
  • I thank you in advance for your consideration and understanding.
  • It would be highly appreciated if the Ukraine authorities were to consider the possibility of reducing the transitional period.
  • This support has been highly appreciated among those most severely hit by the global financial and economic crisis.
  • Your moral assistance in this effort will be highly appreciated by the President.
  • He is highly appreciated in Europe.
  • But the amendments tabled by the Greens, which one feels are about regional institutions as much as national parliaments, merit your consideration and, in my view, your vote as well.
  • Mr Gorostiaga, your approach is totally out of line with what we in this House defend: freedom of expression, which you do not defend in any of your considerations and even less in your speech this afternoon.
  • A survey aimed at assessing the benefits and drawbacks of this new policy revealed that teleworking is highly appreciated by both staff and management.
  • That is why the caraway from these areas - Český kmín - is so highly appreciated and in such demand.
  • Jihočeská Zlatá Niva blue cheese is very highly appreciated on the Czech market both by the general public and by dairy industry specialists.
  • Although the previous specification makes no mention of maturing the product it is now common to mature a proportion of the Robiola di Roccaverano production for varying periods and this is highly appreciated by consumers.
  • I think this is a special day for him because he can see that his work is also very highly appreciated by the European Parliament.
  • I would also like to thank Commissioner Dimas, because his presence at such times is always very valuable and highly appreciated.
  • The new Special Representative, Staffan de Mistura, has taken on his job with remarkable commitment and is highly appreciated.
  • The consumption of lizard meat has a long tradition in some regions of Spain and Portugal where it is highly appreciated.
  • (laughs) Okay, Mom. Your-your interest in our relationship is highly appreciated, but I'm sure there's other topics we can pursue tonight, so cut it out.
  • It is clear that the traditional rosé is a quality product that is highly appreciated by consumers and associated with the place of origin of this product.


  • your consideration and time are greatly valued.

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