Which is correct:
"The pleasure is all mine" or "The pleasure was all mine"?

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The pleasure is all mine

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express gratitude or politeness in response to a compliment or a thank you.

This phrase is used in the present tense to acknowledge someone's gratitude or appreciation. It is a polite way to respond to a compliment or a thank you.


  • A: Thank you for helping me with the project. B: The pleasure is all mine.
  • A: I really enjoyed our conversation. B: The pleasure is all mine.
  • A: You're too kind. B: The pleasure is all mine.


  • You're welcome
  • It was my pleasure
  • No, thank you
  • I'm glad you enjoyed it
  • Anytime

The pleasure was all mine

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express gratitude or politeness in response to a compliment or a thank you, but referring to a past event.

This phrase is used in the past tense to acknowledge someone's gratitude or appreciation for something that happened in the past. It is a polite way to respond to a compliment or a thank you about a previous experience.


  • A: Thank you for inviting me to your party. B: The pleasure was all mine.
  • A: I appreciate your help last week. B: The pleasure was all mine.
  • A: It was a pleasure working with you on that project. B: The pleasure was all mine.


  • You're welcome
  • It was my pleasure
  • No, thank you
  • I'm glad you enjoyed it
  • Anytime
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'The pleasure is all mine' is used in the present tense to express gratitude or politeness in response to a compliment or a thank you. 'The pleasure was all mine' is used in the past tense to express the same sentiment but referring to a past event.

Last updated: March 26, 2024

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