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strictly confidential vs private and confidential

Both 'strictly confidential' and 'private and confidential' are correct phrases used to indicate that information is meant to be kept confidential. They are often used interchangeably in formal contexts.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 4051 views

strictly confidential

The phrase 'strictly confidential' is correct and commonly used to indicate that information is highly confidential and should not be shared.

This phrase is typically used in formal settings to emphasize the importance of keeping information confidential.


  • This document is strictly confidential and should not be shared outside the company.
  • The details of the merger are strictly confidential.
  • The report is marked strictly confidential.
  • Please remember this briefing is strictly confidential.
  • But anything said between my patients and myself is strictly confidential.
  • This additional material shall remain strictly confidential, and be made available to the approval authority on request.
  • The extended documentation package shall remain strictly confidential.
  • All mission reports are strictly confidential and for internal use only.
  • All information reported herein will be kept strictly confidential.
  • You can reassure me that my research at the library is strictly confidential.
  • 6 - All information reported herein will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Whatever you say is strictly confidential.
  • SPILLER: This briefing is to be kept strictly confidential.
  • Two documents setting out the results of a legal audit requested by Peugeot of its lawyers following the inspections on 22 and 23 September 1999 and marked strictly confidential were seized.
  • And Connor... working for Prospero is strictly confidential - and by that, I mean you don't tell anybody.
  • This is strictly confidential, okay?
  • First, everything you say is strictly confidential and will go no further than forming the basis of the report.
  • The additional material referred to in point (b) of section shall be treated as strictly confidential.
  • The "extended documentation package" that shall remain strictly confidential.
  • Of course, you understand this matter is strictly confidential?
  • - She asks that you keep this coversation strictly confidential
  • By the way, one thing l almost forgot - all our material is strictly confidential.
  • This additional material shall remain strictly confidential and be retained by the manufacturer, but be made open for inspection at the time of type-approval or at any time during the validity of the type-approval.


  • confidential
  • highly confidential
  • top secret
  • classified information
  • for your eyes only

private and confidential

The phrase 'private and confidential' is also correct and commonly used to indicate that information is meant to be kept confidential.

This phrase is often used in formal communication to stress the privacy and confidentiality of the information being shared.


  • Please treat this email as private and confidential.
  • The contents of this letter are private and confidential.
  • The meeting is strictly private and confidential.
  • Dr. Hobman Each patient's treatment is private and confidential.
  • You cannot go around using private confidential police information.
  • Private School Confidential - Rules of navigating the shark-infested waters of the poshest private schools in the country.
  • So you've accessed private, confidential medical records?
  • This confidential and private financial data belongs to the individual not to the European Union or the Parliament.
  • Before we begin to discuss this issue, I would like you and your division to keep this investigation into Detective Moore's private life entirely confidential.
  • I want to remind you all that, as always, everyone's private life is confidential.
  • To meet my boyfriend... ill... bills... bills Private confidential.
  • +) The names of the listed banks in the private sector are confidential information and are referred to as Bank A, Bank B and Bank C.
  • +) The names of the listed banks in the private sector are confidential information and are referred to as Bank A, Bank B and Bank C.
  • on any social-networking sites, and not to retain, record or research by any means - private, confidential or personal - facts or information relating to my client and others as appropriate.
  • Furthermore, says Mr Batten, "the draft Agreement was only made available on 27th May to a restricted number of MEPs" and "this confidential and private financial data belongs to the individual not to the European Union or the Parliament".
  • The confidential and private financial data in question belongs to the individual - and not to the European Union or the European Parliament.
  • The opinion shall be treated as personal and confidential until the appointment of the candidate.
  • Forcefully intimidating a witness is a serious and confidential accusation.
  • Because undercover cops and confidential informants don't like their pictures taken...
  • Johnny, that information is privileged and confidential.
  • I have here Kelly Kapoor's personal and confidential file.
  • Because undercover cops and confidential informants don't like their pictures taken...
  • Please remember our decision will remain sealed and confidential till delivered to the Governor.


  • confidential
  • highly confidential
  • top secret
  • classified information
  • for your eyes only

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