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derived by vs derived using

Both 'derived by' and 'derived using' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Derived by' is commonly used when talking about the source or origin of something, while 'derived using' is used when referring to the method or process used to derive something.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 1072 views

derived by

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the source or origin of something.

Use 'derived by' when you want to indicate the source or origin of something. For example, 'This information was derived by analyzing the data.'


  • The theory was derived by combining various research studies.
  • The recipe was derived by experimenting with different ingredients.
  • The conclusion was derived by examining all available evidence.
  • Whereas Directive 89/556/EEC excluded embryos derived by certain techniques from the scope of the said Directive;
  • The volatility adjustment shall apply only to the relevant risk-free interest rates of the term structure that are not derived by means of extrapolation in accordance with Article 77a.
  • Member States shall authorise imports of embryos derived by in vivo fertilisation and complying with the animal health requirements set out in the model veterinary certificate in Annex II.
  • characteristic values of the standards Mp, Mn, Mw and Mw/Mn, as provided by the manufacturer or derived by subsequent measurements, together with details about the method of determination,
  • characteristic values of the standards Mp, Mn, Mw, Mw/Mn, as provided by the manufacturer or derived by subsequent measurements, together with details about the method of determination,
  • Whereas, by Directive 93/52/EEC, the scope of Directive 89/556/EEC has been enlarged to include all bovine embryos except those derived by transfer of nuclei;
  • Constant-price estimates can be derived by the deflation of these components.
  • Coherence between the experiences derived by stakeholders and from the action plan and standardisation work should be ensured.
  • At the same time, the benefits derived by the European Union from the continued protection of the environment in developing countries should be clearly recognised.
  • Lignocellulosic components of wood or other plant materials derived by mechanical or thermo-mechanical pulping using a refiner.
  • On the contrary, it must be derived by operating a multi-dimensional structure and system within which the parliamentary aspect plays an important part.
  • The benefits derived by the public from this programme are indisputable.
  • Interests and capital gains on shares or bonds derived by associations are exempt from corporate income tax.
  • Subject: Benefit derived by Greece from MEDIA programme
  • To denote unambiguously the EC50 derived by this method it is proposed to use the symbol ErC50.
  • BCFs based on total radioactive residues may not, therefore, be directly comparable to a BCF derived by specific chemical analysis of the parent compound only.
  • However, Germany has not given precise indications of the proportionality of the benefits derived by Deutsche Post from the measure.
  • Amount of clinker produced [t] derived by weighing with a permissible uncertainty of less than ± 5 % for the metering process.
  • Amount of CKD or bypass dust [t] discarded during reporting period derived by weighing with a permissible uncertainty of less than ± 10 % for the metering process.
  • Amount of coke [t] produced during reporting period, derived by weighing with a maximum permissible uncertainty of ± 5,0 % for the metering process.


  • obtained from
  • originating from
  • resulting from

derived using

This phrase is also correct and commonly used in English when referring to the method or process used to derive something.

Use 'derived using' when you want to indicate the method or process used to derive something. For example, 'The results were derived using advanced statistical techniques.'


  • The formula was derived using complex mathematical calculations.
  • The model was derived using data from multiple sources.
  • The solution was derived using a combination of algorithms.
  • The acute toxicity estimate (ATE) for the classification of a substance is derived using the LD50/LC50 where available.
  • The acute toxicity estimate (ATE) for the classification of a substance in a mixture is derived using:
  • The estimates shall be derived using both historical experience and empirical evidence, including statistical models.
  • The estimates shall be derived using both historical experience and empirical evidence, and not based purely on judgemental considerations.
  • Estimates could be derived using price indices for individual securities or classes of security.
  • Preferably data shall be derived using the standardised test methods referred to in Article 8(3).
  • The first reference value was derived using the well-known relationship between monetary growth, on the one hand, and developments in prices, real GDP and the income velocity of circulation, on the other.
  • From the consolidated balance sheet in terms of stocks, flow statistics are derived using additional statistical information relating to exchange rate changes, other changes in the value of securities and the write-offs/write-downs of loans and other adjustments such as reclassifications.
  • The acute toxicity estimate (ATE) for the classification of a substance or ingredient in a mixture is derived using:
  • Obviously, it will also be useful to look at inflation forecasts derived using all these variables when assessing whether the monetary policy stance is appropriate.
  • As a consequence, the stated requirements for the euro area as a whole have typically been derived using the statistical standards achieved by the most advanced EU Member States.
  • To be consistent with the medium-term relationship between money and prices, the reference value is derived using assumptions for the medium-term trends in M3 income velocity and potential output growth.
  • To be consistent with the medium-term orientation of the ECB's monetary policy strategy, the reference value is derived using the assumptions for the medium-term trend in M3 income velocity and trend potential growth.
  • The estimates shall be derived using both historical experience and empirical evidence, and not based purely on judgmental considerations.
  • The reference value for monetary growth has been derived using the well-known relationship between money, on the one hand, and prices, real gross domestic product (GDP) and the velocity of circulation, on the other.


  • obtained through
  • achieved by means of
  • produced using

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