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find attached the document vs find the document attached

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Find attached the document' is commonly used in formal or professional settings, such as in emails or business correspondence. On the other hand, 'Find the document attached' is more suitable for casual or everyday conversations. The choice between the two depends on the level of formality required in the communication.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 3133 views

find attached the document

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal or professional settings.

This phrase is commonly used in emails or business correspondence to indicate that a document is attached to the message.


  • Please find attached the document for your review.
  • Find attached the report as requested.
  • Kindly find attached the updated proposal.
  • Attached you will find the document.
  • Please find attached the file you requested.
  • Please find 2 documents attached: my letter withdrawing the claim addressed to the President of the EU General Court, and the confirmation from the post that the letter has been indeed sent.
  • Please find attached the European Health Insurance Card with number: ... as requested in section 7
  • For a detailed description of the situation please find attached the technical report drawn up by Professor G. B. De Medici and Professor F. Ortolani of Naples University on 7 February 2009.
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached two annexes with details of some of these crimes (source: LGBT Human Rights Platform Turkey).
  • In the style of that timeless literary creation Mr William Wonka, you'll find attached to each essay, a golden ticket.
  • Delegations will find attached a draft of the final compromise text for a new procedure resulting from the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 8 June 2006.
  • The Honourable Member will find attached a table showing the distribution by nationality of grade AD staff at the Council General Secretariat.
  • I've attached the project plan modifications.
  • At least I can show a little leg where they attached the catheter.
  • Once you've attached the rope, you won't fall.
  • Tom attached the string to the kite.
  • My contact assured me the documents are legit.
  • You know the documents are worthless without the originals.
  • Collapse all toplevel regions in the document.
  • This menu contains the links referring the document information.
  • The document constitutes the basis for international action to safeguard biodiversity.
  • The document mentions common values on different occasions.
  • The ECJ insisted that the documents were presented.
  • The ensuing compromise proposals significantly enhanced the quality of the document.


  • Please find the document attached.
  • The document is attached for your reference.
  • Attached is the document.
  • I have attached the document for your review.
  • You will find the document attached.

find the document attached

This phrase is correct and more suitable for casual or everyday conversations.

This phrase is used in informal contexts to indicate that a document is attached to the message.


  • Can you find the document attached to this email?
  • I have sent you an email with the document attached.
  • Find the document attached below.
  • You will find the document attached to this message.
  • Please find the document attached.
  • Please find 2 documents attached: my letter withdrawing the claim addressed to the President of the EU General Court, and the confirmation from the post that the letter has been indeed sent.
  • Previous drafts of the document attached have been subject to discussions at secretariat level with the political groups, before being submitted to coordinators.
  • the authenticity of the documents attached,
  • The procedures for cancelling, rescinding or shortening the length of validity of the uniform visa shall comply with the principles defined in the document attached hereto.
  • Documents attached [2] Please put a cross in the boxes which apply and number the documents in the order in which they are attached.
  • The adjustment measures aiming to remove obstacles to, and restrictions on, traffic at road crossing points at internal borders shall be implemented in accordance with the document attached hereto. The implementation of these adjustment measures falls within the national competence of the Contracting Parties.
  • They shall provide a paper original as well as an electronic copy or, where they do not provide an electronic copy, 28 paper copies of their submission and of the documents attached to it.
  • In case of packed produce, this check shall be carried out on the basis of the primary samples, in all other cases on the basis of the documents attached to the pallet or the transport vehicle.
  • I found the documents, but I can't find the videotape.
  • If Thackery agrees to collaborate, put our minds together and find the answer, the documents are his.
  • Try to find the previous searched string again in the document.
  • The interested parties also refer to an 'IASB' contract, but the references provided were incorrect and the Commission was unable to find the document.
  • The navigation is organised around the major parliamentary organs - the Plenary, Committees and Delegations, allowing you rapidly to find the document you are interested in.
  • The document also tells us how to find the funds, which is by taxing all possible sources such as imposing taxes on financial transactions, trade exchanges and air tickets, essentially taking money straight out of the pockets of citizens and businesses.
  • Documents attached: list of windscreen (see Appendix 8).
  • Total number of documents attached to the application form: ...
  • That information shall be transferred in a common health certificate with the necessary documents attached.
  • They cannot read confidential documents attached to a request or an alert.
  • Documents attached: list of windscreens (see appendix 10)
  • Documents attached to the application, as appropriate


  • Find attached the document.
  • The attached document can be found.
  • The document is attached for your convenience.
  • I have attached the document for your perusal.
  • You will find the attached document.

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